Chapter 22 Surrender of Soviet Russia-In-Exile and Hidden Secrets

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Anastasia POV:

The siege of the city lasted two weeks and Stalin's army of 400 turned into one of 150 due to us having better defenses and the harsh Russian Winter on our side. Joseph Stalin raised a white flag and was taken into custody, while his soldiers would return home without weapons. I was leading Stalin's family into the prison and his eldest son is the recently promoted Deputy Director of the Imperial Guard Yakov Dzhugashvili along with his second wife and his two younger children. Stalin is sitting bed and looking at his family and smiled and he saw me he glare. "Nadezhda what is she doing here?", she says nothing and hands him divorce papers and a pen and he signs,"happy now your grace","You should be proud of your son Yakov here he became Deputy Director of the Imperial Guard","No son of mine would betray Soviet Russia", Stalin's family leaves the room. I leaves too seeing I might do something I would regret.

Joseph Stalin POV:

I lost my family, money, and power because of those Romanov's and now I have nothing to my name seeing my now second ex wife took everything. Once Comrade Hitler get through the Russian defenses at Poland, he would attack Petersburg and I will be freed.

Anastasia POV:

I'm sitting the parliament chambers on my throne where Alexei normally sits at during these meeting. I look around all members of parliament seeing Aunt Xenia representing Moscow and Tatiana representing Saint Petersburg. The Representive of Yekaterinburg is arguing that Stalin is too dangerous to be keep alive and Tatiana is opposing it because it would be the first execution of my reign. The decision has came to Stalin's execution in front of the Winter Palace death by firing squad.
Third POV:
Adolf Hitler is walking into a house that is heavily protected. He throws a intelligence report from Petersburg at Nicholas II and Olga Romanov and leaves.
Nicholas POV:
Me and Olga reads the report and it shock us as we began hearing gunfire outside. A Danish soldier came in speaking Danish and sees us. They put us in a car heading to Denmark.

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