Chapter 24 Escape of Stalin and the Spring Ball

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Anastasia POV:
It's now March meaning time for the spring ball to celebrate the coming of spring. The Neva river began flowing couple weeks ago and with my father and Olga finding their way back to us that we keep their return as a surprise. This is the first time the entire family is here in Petersburg.
We are standing before the doors to the ballroom waiting to be announced.
Third POV:
"Now presenting Her Imperial Majesty Empress Anastasia Nikilovania Romanov and her Emperor-Consort Dmitri Feodorovich Romanov and their Highnesses Tsarevich Alexander IV Anastavich Romanov, Grand Duke Peter IV Anastavich Romanov, and Grand Duchess Catherine III Anastavania Romanov with her companion the Young Duke Nikita Desnov.", "Presenting the other royals Prime Minister Alexei Nikilovich Romanov, Grand Duchess Olga Nikilovania Romanov, Grand Duchess Tatiana Nikilovania Romanov, Grand Duchess Maria Nikilovania Romanov and her husband Grand Duke Noah Feodorovich Romanov, their son Grand Duke Calvin Noahvich Romanov, and daughter Princess Alexandra Noahvna Romanov", " Presenting the Dowagers of Russia Dowager Emperor Nicholas II Alexandovich Romanov and Dowager Empress Alexandra Feodorova of Russia". The crowd claps for the return of the former Tsar.
Anastasia POV:
We sat down on the thrones in front of the portrait as mamma and papa dance around the room. Nikita stands up and bows to Catherine holding out his hand, she takes it and stands up walking down the steps. They began to dance as Alexander walks to me offering his little hand to me. He is the greatest and smartest son I have and I'm proud. Tatiana and her husband Gleb is dancing along with Maria and Noah, while Olga is standing by the window watching. Alexander lets go and walks to Calvin,Peter and Catherine holding their hands and making a spining in circle as my parents, Dmitri, and my siblings and their husbands and me holding hands making a larger circle. A 14 year Princess Alexandra Romanov and exiled 15 year old King Peter II of Yugoslavia was dancing together.

We stopped as a explosion happens outside and smoke coming from the prison section of the palace. Green mist comes into the ballroom forming a man that disappeared over a decade ago. "Rasputin!!","Your right your majesty, I'm here to collect a debt by destroying you pathetic family forever", he raise his hands and blasts green mist at us as Alex raised his shield protecting us,"You will not hurt my family","So the young Tsarevich is being brave by protecting his family Romanovs the bloody", Alex and Peter blasted blue plasma at him and he moved. Momma and Papa is to the side of the ballroom when Rasputin sees them and point to them to blast them as it got closer Olga jump in the way getting hit and fell to the ground as Rasputin runs off. I run over to Olga and began healing her,"She will be fine, she is just in a asleep", they all breath a sign of relief.

A car is heading towards the Romanov's tomb as the Empress and her lady in waiting gets out to walk inside and stop in the of inscription that says, "Here Lies Empress Marie Feodorvna of Russia, Princess of Denmark, and Saint Dagmar", Anastasia puts her hand on the inscription and says, "Oh Grandmama we will liberate your homeland and win this war".

Princess Alexandra had her first appearance because she was more of a minor character even being Anastasia's niece.

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