Chapter 11 A Sibling Bond

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Anastasia POV:

After we got back into the car we began speaking about the history of Russia while on the way back to the palace. I look out the window and sees a lake so I put on a coat and stop the car; we goes down to look at the frozen lake and hold each other thinking of the friends we have lost during the revolution. We were talking when we heard a car pull up and out came Dmitri with Grandma and Maria,"Anastasia!Alexei! thank the lord we found you, someone set the Winter Palace on fire","What was anyone hurt","There was some deaths your parents, Grand Duchesses Olga and Tatiana was in there with a few servants and guards","What no we just got them back!","Alexei get in the car we are heading back to Catherine and putting it on lockdown". 

We got in the car and drove off to the palace as we goes past the burn't remains of the Winter Palace. We arrive to the front steps of Catherine's and I run in the room and lock the door,shut the curtains ignoring Alexei shouting for me to slow down and stop. I hears him stop at my door setting against it trying to get me to open it, but I wouldn't until he stops and go to bed. I open the door and sees him in a chair sleeping so I put a blanket over him and left my door open and head to the throne room still in my ball gown. I begins singing "Once Upon A December" as illusions of people in portraits appears and my necklace is glowing; while I'm dancing with the illusions when I heard a gasp from the stairs and it was Alexei staring at his Eight Year Old self limping down the steps. He then turns to look at me and walks to me and me to him. "Nastya how did you do this?","I don't know",looking at the frozen illusions. I then notice the necklace glowing and sees it a locket with a picture of me and Alexei that's look pristine like the magic in it preserved it. Alexei then took out his pocket watch which also started glowing with same picture on the inside cover, and he look up at me. He then held up his pocket watch with my necklace and the glow brighten and push us away like they was overcharging each other, and the illusions disappeared. I got and my hands pointed up to the roof and a beam of light shot out, Alexei stares in shock and does the same, we done that for over two hours before we fell asleep on the stairs.

When I woke up something scared me and I shot a beam at the window,so I look back to Dmitri and Maria along with Alexei shock to see them there.I then ran to my study to get ready for a meeting to plan the funeral when I had a vision.

Anastasia Vision:

I was standing in a graveyard looking at a priest starting to say a speech,"We are gathered today to honor Alexei Romanov who died at 96 on May 1st 2005, who is survived by his sister Empress Anastasia",I turn to see a old women with gray hair and and a bit of brown holding a necklace and a pocket watch,"He is also survived by children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren and he is known to be the first and longest active prime minister of Imperial Russia, and at the age of 87 he was forced to retire when his hemophilia came back and was ordered on bed rest, the doctors thought he wouldn't survived long, but he pulled through and lived until he was 96","I would like to say something for my brother","Of course your majesty","Alexei was always the one to cheer me up when I'm sad and I hope he is enjoying the other side",The vision begins to fade away.

Anastasia POV:

I appear in my study and I goes to the desk to plan the funeral for my parents,Olga, and Tatiana.

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