Chapter 13 A Royal Wedding and Soviet Surrender

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Anastasia POV:

It's been two months since the funeral of my parents, Olga, and Tatiana. I'm getting my dress and crown on for my own wedding in the ballroom at Peterhof Palace. Grandma open the door and says it's time, she walks out first then Maria with little Calvin and with me being walk down the aisle by my own brother Alexei and I see Dmitri stand by the priest,Noah and Vlad at the front. We make it to the end and the priest starts speaking the vows. We then exchange rings and kiss, as Dmitri takes an oath to become my Prince Consort.

We walk out onto to balcony as people claps for us as new rulers. We then return to Catherine's ballroom for the reception. We got to the center and begun our first dance as husband and wife as I see Alexei watching and faintly glowing figures in the corner.

Third POV:

Tsar Alexander III Anastasia Paternal Grandfather and Queen Victoria Anastasia's Maternal Great Grandmother, watching Anastasia dancing around and they nod approving at their descendant as they disappear.

Anastasia and Dmitri returns to their room for the night shutting the door close.

Stalin is in the Palace of Moscow thinking about to surrender to Imperial forces and thinking about his family is in Imperial custody and no doubt suffering right now.

Anastasia POV:

It's been almost two months since the wedding and I feel sick as I throw up, when Maria walks in and looks at me. "I know what that means, and Your pregnant","I'm pregnant?", I says in shock and she nods. I runs to tell Dmitri the news  and he was happy and shock of it. A guard walks into the throne room with Stalin in chains and he look terrible than before. "I surrender Your Majesties"," Why now?",  "I have realized there is no way to get the people back on my side so I yield in exchange you release my family from state custody". I told the guards to bring his family here and they look healthy due to them being well feed from the east wing of the palace, while they was living there. Stalin is shock to see they are healthy,"shock Stalin; I'm not like you to ignore the basics of human rights"," Your majesty, you have earned my everlasting respect and honor", as guards took him to the prison as his family was released and bank accounts unfrozen, but with less money due to taxes.

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