Letters A, H (Sun Wukong)

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Authors Note: This comes from an ask meme on tumblr, which can be found over on imaginerwbyscenarios!

A - Asking you out:

Sun considers for awhile whether he should ask you out or not, before deciding he should just see what happens. Neptune had tried to advise him to get you to make the first move but Sun didn't see a reason not to be as direct as possible. He flashes you a blinding smile and asks if you'd like to get lunch with him sometime, and he's openly ecstatic when you agree.

H - Hugging you:

The type of hugs he gives you can depend on how romantically involved the two of you are. His friendly hugs are generally spontaneous and a little painful, with his arms completely wrapping around you and squeezing as tightly as possible; he'll even spin you around a little if he's especially excited to see you. With his romantic hugs, they can be a bit more intimate, with his arms wrapping around your waist and his face burying itself in your neck, finding comfort in the closeness and your scent.

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