Relationship Headcanons (Cinder Fall)

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-She's not one for love or romance, so it's likely if the two of you become an official couple, it's for her to gain something she needs. At first it'll be her stringing you along, but it's very possible for genuine romantic feelings to develop, though it's rare.

-What's hers is hers, and if she sees someone moving into her territory, she's likely to strike back. She's very good at making people feel small, and it's amusing to watch her completely decimate someone's self esteem just because they happened to be talking to you in a flirtatious manner.

-Another thing that goes along with being 'hers' is that she's extremely protective over you, and an attack on you is seen as an attack against her. She tends to keep you close to her at all times, and she's rarely seen without you, mostly because she knows once her identity is revealed you'll be a target.

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