Letters A, F, G, K, L, M, R (Taiyang Xiao Long)

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A - Asking you out:

A hopeless romantic at heart, there's clear hints that Taiyang is interested in you (which includes his flirting style of showering you with compliments) and planning on asking you out. He probes you for information like what kind of flowers and gifts do you like, innocently asking what type of dates you enjoy going on best, etc. You're entirely unsurprised when he asks you to go on a date with him, and also flattered at the amount of work he put in to making the first date a memorable one.

F - Flirting with you:

Taiyang notices a lot of little details about you when he has a crush on you, and he uses this in conversation; he loves to shower you with compliments, especially about things he knows have deep meaning to you. He'll throw in a compliment based on looks here and there, but he'll mostly pinpoint things about your personality and your actions that he finds attractive (but if you're the type to get flustered when you're called cute/beautiful/handsome, he'll be sure to use it often).

G - Getting protective over you:

Taiyang generally takes a back seat, not wanting to step on your toes by not believing you can handle yourself. He always keeps an eye out though and if he sees your behavior becoming self-destructive, he has no qualms about calling you out on your behavior (he uses humor as a way to lighten the seriousness of the situation). If you're close, he confides in you that he wishes he could protect you from the horrible things in the world and that he can't help but feel the need to defend you even if you don't want him to.

K - Kissing you:

The man is a big fan of eye contact, and you couldn't help but be drawn in by those beautiful blue eyes of his. Once you're caught in his gaze you're done for, with Taiyang drawing closer and closer and you too mesmerized to move. This is, at least, how he describes your first kiss, though he leaves out the part where he missed part of your lips because of how nervous he was and how he teared up over what a relief it was that you wanted to kiss him back.

L - Lounging around on a lazy day:

On his lazy days he doesn't like to lounge, but he won't stick to his normal schedule. He'll likely drag you outside with him to help out with his flower garden, or take a relaxing stroll through the woods so you can have some more quality time spent together outside the house. If this lazy day came after a period that caused Taiyang extreme exhaustion, that's when you'd catch him passed out on the couch for almost the entire day (until his stomach was begging to be fed).

M - Making you breakfast:

Taiyang is a master cook to say the least, especially when it comes to breakfast. He loves impressing you with spreads of all your favorite foods, usually in bed, unless the girls are home. If so, then you all eat together at the table, and he gets to see his three favorite people enjoying his cooking together.

R - Rescuing you:

Taiyang is angry, and you can tell he's holding it together, but he doesn't have the time to act too harshly. Your aura was depleted and you were in a vulnerable position, and one wrong move could endanger the both of you. You had always enjoyed watching Taiyang in action and now was no different despite your life being on the line; you joke with him afterwards as he carries you on his back towards the nearest medical facility about how handsome he is when he's barely keeping it together. He might not laugh at first due to how stressful the situation was for him, but once your health is in the clear, he'll crack a smile.

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