Questions (Yang Xiao Long)

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Yang hadn't thought about it too much.

She was still young, still living her life to the fullest, not to mention the dangerous times you were all in... She felt she couldn't properly bring a child into the world while a threat like Salem loomed in the horizon. She considered that her main excuse, but in the end, she knew that her fear of turning out like her own mother also made her apprehensive to have children. She didn't want to do that to her own child, make them wonder where their mother was or if their mother even loved them, and there was no guarantee that she wouldn't turn out just like Raven had.

"You get too in your head about things, Yang." You rested your head on her shoulder, fingers intertwining with hers; she chuckled under her breath, resting her head atop yours. "You're not your mom. You never have been."

"But what if something changes? What if we..." What if we regret having children? What an awful thing to think or even say, she was offended on behalf of her potential future children.

"We'll have a long talk to make sure we're ready for kids before any come along." Your hand squeezed hers. "But you looked very cute with Adrian, and I have faith in you to be a good parent even if you don't."

Maybe one or two children were in the future.

Maybe she would be a great mother.

You two would just have to survive this so you could find out. 

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