Confession (Jaune Arc)

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When Jaune first approached you, you could tell the conversation was going to be an interesting one.

The minor crush he had on you was obvious, especially to you, who constantly noticed the way he'd stumble around and attempt to talk to you at any given opportunity. He especially seemed happy to help you out with school work or train alongside you, even if what he thought would be the ideal moment to show-off turned out to backfire on him. But he was genuine, and kind, and incredibly cute, so you couldn't say you minded his company. He was like a little ray of sunshine in an otherwise dreary day, though the day didn't have to be dreary to brighten it up; he just seemed to shine so bright he was blinding, even on the sunniest of days. Perhaps, with how often you think that exact thought, you returned his feelings more than you were willing to let on.

"Hello, Jaune." You seemed amused as he approached your table, where you'd been sitting and eating just moments before. He tended to join you when he could, but he'd been making a habit of spending more time with his teammates, something you weren't quite offended by. You understood the importance of teamwork, especially as a hunter/huntress in training, so even if you did miss his company, you couldn't quite hold it against him. You were already finished eating, having pushed your trash away so you could read for a bit before class started again. "Did you need something?"

The look on his face tells you more than words could. He had definitely approached with purpose, confidence written across his face and imbued in the bold way he'd sauntered over. There was something on his mind that he wanted to say, and you were ever-so-curious about what it might be; you gave him a clueless face despite being able to read him like a book. He may look confident to must but there was a light blush dusting his cheeks, and when you smiled up at him as he got closer, it had grown darker and more noticeable. He clears his throat, opened his mouth to say something, and then immediately shut it again.

"They said... They said my crush on you was obvious."

"They? I would assume you're referencing one of your teammates. And considering Pyrrha would never out you like that, and Ren doesn't seem the type to get involved, I'm guessing it's Nora who called you out." You placed your chin in your hand, smile growing wider as he looks shocked.

"How'd you guess that?"

"I heard her from across the room." You maneuvered your head so you could see past Jaune to wear his team was sitting, most of them minding their business aside from the redhead, who you got along well with. You waved to her and she cheerfully waved back. "So, is that what you had to say?"

"Well- No, I guess not all of it." He rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. "It's just that you're really smart. And strong. And I'd like to get to know you more... You know?"

You nodded your head, feeling absolutely sadistic as you let him squirm in place, wondering if he'd end up spewing out more compliments or if he would simply wait there until he perished. You closed your book, stuffing it away in your bag before standing before Jaune, who's still watching you carefully.

"There's a book I'd like from the library. Would you like to walk with me there before class? I would enjoy the company."

"Uh, yeah, I mean, of course, I'd love to-"

You hooked your arm with his, decided to throw him a little pity there and non-verbally confirm your own feelings on the matter. He wasn't the only one who could be bold, and you could tell from the way his eyes are shining that he's rather happy he'd potentially set himself up for rejection.

"Lead the way!" 

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