Letters A, K, N, W (Yang Xiao Long)

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A - Asking you out:

Subtle is not a word most people would use to describe Yang Xiao Long, and for good reason. She's more then happy to approach you for the first time just because you're cute and after getting to know you a bit, she throws a "So... you wanna go out sometime?", already having the perfect place in mind.

K - Kissing you:

Yang loves to kiss you completely out of nowhere, and doesn't have much of a problem with PDA, either. Before you part ways for class or to participate in activities around Beacon, she always makes time to give you a quick kiss; if she catches people staring, she'll tell them to take a picture because it'll last longer (said with a smirk, and also the implication that if they did take a picture, she'd destroy it in seconds).

N - Netflix and chilling:

She probably has a ton of things she wants to show you, having plotted out the most exciting things and then let you choose from the list which seemed the most interesting to you. She would be a little nervous to be spending the night in with you, alone, but it quickly becomes natural for it to be just the two of you. You actually get in quite a few movies, Yang cuddled up close to you with her arm wrapped around your shoulders as she points out the tiniest details just in case you missed them.

W - Waking up to you:

Yang tends to be a little grumpy if she has to wake up early in the morning, but with you, she finds mornings to be a little more tolerable. She'll still be near impossible to get out of bed, cuddling back up next to you if you were still asleep, or pulling you into her arms with a solid grip if you attempted to wake her up. Either way, Yang has the tendency to be cuddly in the morning and needs her daily dose of good morning lovin' before she finally gets out of bed.

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