Letters A, F, G, H, K, L (Ozpin)

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A - Asking you out:

Ozpin is an incredibly busy man, so setting aside the time for a proper date is... difficult, to say the least. Even when he asks you at some point to join him for lunch, it's not outright stated his intentions are romantic (perhaps he prefers to keep it that way) and you're under the impression it's purely professional in nature. It can make for an awkward conversation, but at least after then you can pinpoint his interest in you.

F - Flirting with you:

His flirting style is very subtle, the type where you don't realize he was most likely hitting on you until after you're in bed for the night, remembering the conversation. There's a certain glint in his eye when he speaks with you, a little tug on the corner of his lips when you respond with a witty remark, that's a telltale sign that he's a bit more invested in you than normal.

G - Getting protective over you:

Ozpin tends to take a backseat in this department unless you're in direct danger, preferring to give you solid advice instead. He knows he can't always be there to protect you, so he doesn't want you to rely too heavily on him being there for you, but there are some situations where he can't help but step in on your behalf.

H - Hugging you:

Ozpin's hugs are full of comfort, and all the unspoken promises he's ever made to keep you safe. He'll tug you closer to feel out if you're in need of affection, and if you allow him to do so, he'd envelop you into a hug. He'll normally keep one wrapped around your waist, his other hand running through your hair.

K - Kissing you:

Kisses on the lips are reserved for the home with Ozpin, and in public he'll often gently kiss the back of your hand, but even that is rare. He prefers affection to be something special shared between the two of you, not feeling the need to put on a loving display for the outside world; all that mattered was that the two of you were content with each other.

L - Lounging around on a lazy day:

Lazy days are rare for Ozpin, but not unwelcome. It's not often he has a chance to spend time with you uninterrupted, and though he doesn't bank on it being a day where he's completely left alone, he knows how to entirely focus on you when he has the chance to. The day would likely be spent doing things that you don't often get to do together, like going on a stroll or having a romantic dinner date.

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