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Kaiba POV

After we brushed our teeth, I got dressed and grabbed Joey. "Let's go downstairs," I kissed him as we headed to the door.

"Wait! I can't do this. There's kids downstairs ravin and wavin glow sticks around." Joey beelined to my liquor cabinet. "OH SHIT! You've got Johnnie Walker blue label? Uh, can I drink some?" Joey gave me a puppy dog look. "Please?"

"Haha, pour me a glass. It's sharp, I'll warn you." I smiled.

"Oh god!" Joey took a sip and coughed trying to catch his breath. "Jesus!! I'm gonna die!" He kept coughing.

"Oh come on. You'll be fine. Just pour me a glass. You can drink whatever you'd like"

"I think I'll just stick to beer for now, I'm grabbin a piece of pizza. Okay, I'm ready. Are we tryina make kids cry?" Joey looked at me.

"No I just want to upset a few here and there. If any cry, I'm kicking them out."

"You're an evil asshole. I respect ya."
Joey smirked and grabbed my hand, "Let's go. I should find Serenity. I'm sure she's checked her phone."

"Didn't you see if she answered?" I looked down at Joey as we descended to the party.

"Nah. It's not important. I know she checked it. Either way, she's my sister. She'll either be okay with it or get over it sometime." Joey shrugged, letting go of my hand as we got closer to the music.

"So, how do we find them? Serenity and Mokuba?" I asked.

"Well, how did ya find him earlier?"

"....good point. Want me to do it?"

"Nah, I'll do it. Maybe someone will recognize me." He winked.

"I will cancel the party you know." I said, crossing my arms.

"No ya won't. It'd upset Mokuba. I know ya well enough." Joey smiled at me, "ready?"

"Not exactly but this was my idea so let's go."

"Ya need to be nice to kids. They keep ya in business." Joey wagged his finger at me.

"Fine." We walked into the main area where the party was going on, Joey walked to the DJ booth and had the music turned down.
Joey POV

"Ahem! Uh excuse me! I'm looking for my sister, Serenity. So if someone sees-"

There was a bunch of cheering and screaming girls making the room even louder, I looked over at Seto to see him hiding his laughter with his drink.

"I'M RIGHT HERE!" Serenity screamed from one side of the room.

"Okay, uh," I pointed to the same room we had all talked in earlier. Serenity gave me a thumbs up. I gave the microphone back to the DJ and turned the music back up.

Standing in the same room as before I waited for my sister. I was pretty nervous. I had already kind of told her but not in person.  Suddenly,
"Ahg!! What the-" someone had snuck up on me and knocked me to the floor in a hug spilling my beer all over.
"Serenity! Cmon get offa me, these aren't my clothes!"

"Oh! Sorry!" She cried grabbing my hand to help pull me up. "Uh, soooo..."

"Yeah. So...?" I started.

"First off, I don't care. I'm happy if you're happy. That's the only important part." She smiled at me giving me another hug. "I love you. You're my best friend, nothing can change that. You can like whoever you want. I'm gonna go back to the party?"  She squeezed me one more time and walked over to the door, "you know, you two have great chemistry. Waaaaaay better than you and Mai."

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