Becky Wants Ronda.

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Today was the road to SummerSlam, and also the day where Becky leaves for tour so she was already up. Travis rolled over and saw it was 3am, he got up to find his wife.

He walked out to the hallway and heard Becky in Alexis's room, the door was open a little and he walked in slowly to see her rocking there daughter in the rocking chair.

Becky: Shh, she just fell back asleep.

Travis: Oh ok.

He slowly walked over to her as she stood up, she wanted him to sit down so he did.

She then sat on his lap while holding Alexis, he looked at both of them.

Travis: She looks just like you.

Becky: Well she's got your eyes.

He rocked back and forth, Becky put her head on his shoulder so he could kiss her head.

Becky: This makes me want to stay this week.

Travis: You know you can't.

Becky: I could.

Travis: Yes you could, but theres no reason too.

Becky: You're a pain in the ass sometimes.

He laughed a bit and almost woke Alexis up, Becky got up and put her back in her crib, she kissed her daughter goodnight and both walked back out.

Travis walked downstairs to brew some coffee for her while she takes a shower, he looked down at her schedule and saw she requested next Thursday off for quote "Family Time".

He smiled and she walked back down looking at him.

Becky: What's up?

Travis: I see you took off next Thursday.

She looks to see she left out her schedule on the counter.

Becky: Damn, that was supposed to be a suprise.

Travis: Oh don't worry I already forgot.

She giggled and he gave her the cup of coffee, she drank it so fast that it shocked him.

He heard the car roll up to pick her up, so he carried her bags out and packed for her.

Becky hugged him tight like she didnt want to let go.

Travis: Babe? You ok?

Becky: I'll just miss you.

Travis: I'll see you Monday.

She smiled and kissed him long and hard as she got in.

He waved as she left for the airport, Travis walked back in and heard Alexis calling for him on the monitor. So he walked upstairs to see her looking out the window.

Travis: Did you see mommy leave?

Alexis: Mu ma

Travis: I know, you already miss her.

He stayed with her until she fell back asleep. As he looked at the time, it read 5am so he decided to get ready for the day.

Monday night RAW*

Travis left Alexis with his sister Katie for the night, he flew to New Orleans for RAW.

He arrives to the hotel to meet up with Becky so they can check in, he noticed she's got a cut on her chin.

Travis: Jesus what happend.

Becky: Got clotheslined by the rope getting thrown out.

Travis: No concussion?

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