SummerSlam IV

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After an eventful two weeks, Travis has been in hiatus from RAW and live events.

They were building the storyline up for him vs Finn in the main event.

Travis and Becky were on break to stay at home with the kids until they had to leave for Axxess.

She was sitting on the couch holding Jackson while Travis had Alexis in his arms.

Travis: Is he sleeping?

She looks down at there five month old, in deep sleep.

Becky: whispers* Yeah.

Travis: Common.

Both of them carried the kids to bed, Travis tucked in Alexis; him and Becky said there goodnights to her.

Becky: Love you sweetie.

Travis followed Becky out and they shut her bedroom door, Jackson was next.

She walked him in slowly and laid him in his crib.

Travis held Becky as they watched there little man sleep, she then gave him a light kiss goodnight.

Becky: We'll miss you.

She then walked him out as he turned on the baby monitor and shut the door.

They then walked into there bedroom and got ready for bed.

Becky: I want to take them with us.

Travis: I know, but we wont have anytime.

Becky: ...

She then slid into bed next to him and they just looked at each other.

Travis: You ok?

Becky: No.. not really.

Travis: What's up?

She then sat up and looked at him, so he did the same as he knew that something was wrong.

Becky: I just hate leaving the kids.

Travis: Yeah, I know.

Becky: I think we should take them on tour with us.

He then looked at her with a ridiculous face.

Travis: You know we can't, we'll have no time to give them attention.

Becky: They're loved backstage, they'll always have attention.

Travis: Yeah, from other superstars; not there parents.

She then knew he was right and became sad.

Becky: Then what are we going to do? Alexis turns four in a couple months.

Travis: Ok, calm down; we'll talk to Stephanie after SummerSlam. And since we still have time off after, let's just relax.

She smiled and both slid down to there pillows, he cuddled her close as she relaxed.

Becky: You always know what to say, I love you.

She kissed him and both fell asleep.

Friday Morning*

Travis and Becky woke up to his parents knocking on there front door.

Usually his sister Katie watches the kids, but it seems like the grandparents surprised them.

As they said there goodbyes to the kids and his parents, they then packed up for the airport.

5 hours later*

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