Stone Cold Lynch

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RAW after Royal Rumble*

Travis woke up to orange hair in his face, he moved it to the side to see that Becky had moved around the bed and was stretched out all over him besides her injured knee.

Her hand was on her ice pack that she put on his head to where his stitches were.

As Travis was moving around, he woke Becky up as she lifted her head up from his chest and moved her hair.

Becky: Oh my, I'm sorry.

Travis: You're a little stretched out.

Becky: And I saw you were blind.

Travis: Phh, that doesn't bother me.

She slowly got closer to him as they were watching there injures and had a slow, passionate kiss and laid there together.

Travis: I could lay like this all day.

Becky: I don't wanna get up.

They then had a serious talk about the family.

Travis: So I've been thinking about something that can affect us greatly.

Becky: Uh oh.

Travis: Nothing bad, I was thinking that we need some time off.

Becky: I have thought about it also, I want to stay home full time with the kids.

Travis: Yeah, I like how were not on tour but we need full time family time.

Becky smiled, got up slowly and limped to the bathroom.

Travis: How are you going to shower with that brace on?

She then peaked her head out and gave him a smile.

Becky: Can you help me?

She then saw him shoot up and walk to her.

Travis: Don't have to tell me twice.

Both walked in and they figured out that she could take off the wrap and brace.

It exposed her majorly bruised knee as she felt pain.

Travis: Jeeze babe, that looks bad.

Becky: Blimey!

He then looked at her as she had a shocked face.

Travis: Haven't heard that in a while.

Becky: Should I wear the brace in the shower then?

Travis: Well it says here not to get it wet.

Becky: So leave it off until I'm done?

Travis: I'm guessing so.

Becky: Ok.

He laid out a towel so she wouldn't slip when she gets out, Travis was on his way out until she stopped him.

Becky: Can you stay? Incase I fall?

He gave her that look as she hit his arm.

Becky: Not like that, incase I actually fall.

Travis: I know, I'm just playing around.

So Travis sat on the counter next to the sink as Becky closed the privacy door and took a shower.

They talked about the whole family talk again and agreed that after Wrestlemania, they'd both ask for time off so they can stay with the kids.

30 minutes later*

Becky Lynch Love II (Becky Lynch × OC) BOOK 2* [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now