Over Working.

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Its been over a month since Becky became double champion and Travis is starting to notice somethings.

Today was Sunday, and it's her only day off.

He woke up to find that she was already up before him, as he was trying to find her around the house, Becky walked into the front door looking like hell.

Travis: Becks its 4am.

Becky: I got up at two to go for a run.

Travis: You went on a two hour run?

Becky: Yes sir, gotta keep my cardio up, now where's my babygirl.

Travis: Still sleeping, now let me talk to you.

He walked her to the couch as she was getting ready to take a shower.

Travis: I've noticed a few things.

Becky: What's that love?

Travis: Well since you're a double brand champ, you've been working alot in the gym.

Becky: Yeah, I gotta keep in shape.

Travis: I get that, but you seem to be over working it.

She was really confused and getting a little annoyed.

Becky: Ok? How so?

Travis: You work out for almost three hours a day, you eat, do the shows and go for another hour run.

Becky: Yeah, like I said; I have to stay in shape.

Travis: Now I feel like I'm not going anywhere, promise me you wont over work it?

Becky: I promise, now since we have some time?

She winked at him and pulled him into the bedroom.

Later that night*

Becky was packed, again as she was leaving for the tours.

Now shes a free agent champ, shes scheduled for both brand tours.

Travis hates it since shes only home for a day and a half.

All were hanging out in the living room watching one of Alexis favorite movies, The Lion King.

Travis: We need to do this more often.

Becky: I love it.

She held there daughter while she was glued to the movie.

Travis looked at the clock and noticed that Becky was leaving in an hour.

Travis: Hey, let's pause this and put Alexis to bed. Before you leave.

Becky: Ok, common babygirl.

They turned the TV off as they noticed she was sleepy, she carried her up as Travis followed her.

Becky laid her down in her new bed slowly, both watched her fall into deep sleep and smiled.

Travis: Night sweetheart.

Becky: I'll miss you, mommy loves you.

Becky kissed her forehead and got a little emotional as they walked out.

He stopped her near the door.

Travis: What's wrong?

Becky: I miss being home.

Travis: Have you talked to Hunter or Stephanie?

Becky: sniff* no.

Travis: Do you want me to?

Becky Lynch Love II (Becky Lynch × OC) BOOK 2* [COMPLETED]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora