My Turn

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Sunday night*

Travis and Becky were hanging around the house all day, she was keeping the kids occupied while Travis caught up on his emails.

One caught his eye as it was from Hunter and said "Read Immediately*".

So he opened it and saw it said.


Around 8pm we will he having a conference call with management and some trainers to discuss business with you, please pick up the phone when I call.



Tell Alexis I say Hi!"

He then continued to respond to all of emails he needed too before the show tomorrow.

As he was finished and looked over to see his wife laying on the couch, holding both Alexis and Jackson; all asleep.

Travis: And it's right o'clock, perfect timing.

A couple minutes later, he got the call; Travis walked outside to the back to take the call.

Travis: Hello?

Hunter: Travis! How are you doing?

Travis: Great!

Matt B: Evening Trav.

Stephanie: Is everyone here?

Robbie B: Yes.

Terry T: I am!

Stephanie: Great, let's get started.

Inside, Becky woke up slowly to see that Travis was gone, she held them both and carried them to there bedrooms.

As she tucked them in Goodnight, she headed downstairs to see Travis sitting outside on the phone and his laptop.

Becky: I'll leave him to it.

She then sat back on the couch and started to watch a movie.

An hour later*

Travis hung up and took a deep breath as he walked inside to see Becky asleep on the couch.

He put the paperwork and laptop on the counter, walked over to his wife, picked her up and carried her to there bedroom as he read the clock; 11pm.

Travis tucked her in, kissed her forehead and got ready for bed as she woke up.

Becky: Love?

Travis: Yea?

Becky: Come to bed.

He smiled and slid under the sheets, wrapped his arms around her and felt her get comfortable.

Becky: Who were you talking to?

He had to think of something to throw her off as it was a suprise.

Travis: Just a conference call about the upcoming pay per view.

Becky: Oh, you were out there a long time.

Travis: I know, I'm sorry. I didnt know it would take that long.

She turned over and kissed him which made both of them smile.

Travis: I love you.

Becky: I love you more.

Travis: Prove it.

Without a skip in her heartbeat she responds.

Becky: Awe, Trav; you wish I could but we have to get up in the morning.

Becky Lynch Love II (Becky Lynch × OC) BOOK 2* [COMPLETED]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ