Becky Verses WWE

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Fast forward to next week*

Travis and Becky are back home with the kids, the tour trainer called them later that night.

Kelly: Evening Travis and Becky.

Travis: How are you doing?

Kelly: I'm great! Now when we were at the Performance Center last night I noticed your head was more swollen?

Travis: I can feel it is.

Kelly: Ok, were going to keep you sidelined for one more week; Hunter wants you to come back to the PC on Friday and we'll look you over.

Travis: Thanks.

Kelly: Now, Mrs Becky? Would you like for me to check on you?

Becky: Nope, I feel great.

Kelly: Okay, well whenever you want me to clear you I'll stop over.

Becky: Thanks Kelly.

Kelly: See you next week!

Travis: Bye!

He hung up as Becky slowly got up and limped into the living room where Alexis and Jackson were playing.

Travis followed her as she couldn't even sit and play with her kids.

Becky: Uh.. Ah

Travis: You can't even sit.

Becky: No, I'm fine.

She then slid down the side of the couch and sat on the floor next to there kids.

Travis sat next to her as they were enjoying the family time until it was time for bed.

Becky was feeding Jackson as she watched Travis hold Alexis's hand up the stairs.

Her heart melted as he waited for her to climb the steps until they reached the top.

Travis put Alexis to bed and kissed her goodnight, as he was walking out he could see his wife sitting with there son down below.

It was a sight to see until Jackson slipped out of Becky's hands and landed on her knee.

Becky: Mhhh.. Ahh ouch!!

Jackson looked at her as she was in excruciating amount of pain.

The baby then started to cry as Travis ran downstairs and picked him up as Becky was grabbing her leg.

Travis: Shh Shh Shh, it's okay buddy.

Becky: Uhhg it hurts!

Travis: Let me put him to bed.

He then walked upstairs and went into his baby room, laid him in his crib and watched him fall asleep with a pacifier.

Travis then walked downstairs to see Becky standing up with her crutches and struggling to keep balance.

So he walked over and helped her to bed as she was in pain, he laid next to her as both were ready for bed.

Travis: Going to get checked out now?

Becky: Nope, they'll make me stay home.

Travis: You do realise that Wrestlemania is in three months.

Becky: And?

Travis: Get checked, rehab and cleared in less than a month, keep this up and you'll destroy that knee.

Becky Lynch Love II (Becky Lynch × OC) BOOK 2* [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now