Thank You

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Hey everyone!

Parker speaking (typing) here.

I just want to thank everyone who has come this far into this long story with one of my favorite female wrestler and my favorite OC.

I have to do a special shootout to StueyBoii, he's been here since day f*ckin 1. The very first reader when I logged onto this app and published the first book, you're the man and I appreciate you sticking by this book brotha.

I'm not one to care about how many views my books get, but the first one Becky Lynch Love Book just hit 30k and me ending this one, at 20k? That's crazy, I was just a normal reader not thinking that if I would be able to write a book; let alone have people read it.

It's fun to write these two as I tried to make them seem like reality hit them personally when stardom got to their heads and affected the normal family life they have.

It felt like it was maybe movie like in some parts and I know this book is full of drama but common, that's what makes this my most popular series that I've written so far.

Now what's everyone thinking on the last chapter? Why did Becky looked concerned when that happend? What is she hiding?

Two books and one hundred chapters later, I leave you in wonder.


Becky Lynch Love II (Becky Lynch × OC) BOOK 2* [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now