I Said No Becky.

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Normal schedule today as Becky left on Thursday, she had the day off but went on tour anyways.

So Travis got up as usual to help her load the car, she kissed him passionately and left for the airport.

He walked back inside and saw Alexis sound asleep so he went back to bed.


Travis woke up and didnt hear Alexis, he was suprised that shes sleeping in today. He walked downstairs and made breakfast and little pancakes for his daughter, the monitor went off as soon as he was done cooking.

Travis: Just in time.

He walked upstairs and saw her kneeling in her crib wanting up.

Travis: Can't stand on your own? Maybe we should get you checked out soon.

He carried her downstairs and sat her down in her highchair, he watched her devour her pancakes.

After breakfast, he watched her play around with some toys while he read his news feed on Twitter.

Him and Alexis just had a nice relaxing day.

Middle of the night*

Travis woke up to a phone call, he looked at the time and saw it read 2am. He grabbed his phone and saw it was one of the trainers on the tour.

Travis: Hello?

Trainer: Hey Travis, it's Kelly with the medical staff for tour.

Travis: Hey what's up?

Kelly: Well during the first show, Becky suffered a rebroken cheek bone.

Travis: Oh shit.

Kelly: Its where she broke it six months ago.

Travis: Jesus, is she ok?

Kelly: Yes, she was given a prescribed medication and is on her way home. Now when she gets home, she needs to keep that injury pressure free. No ice packs or wash cloths.

Travis: Ok thank you.

Kelly: Take care!

He hung up and went to the living room, as he looked around he then sat down and waited for his wife.

Travis was on Twitter and saw photos of Becky and a major injury as she bleed all over the ring.

Travis: Jesus, she's more hardcore than I am.

He then fell asleep on the couch an hour later.


Becky walked in and didnt notice Travis was sleeping on the couch and she made alot of noise.

Travis: Becks?

Becky: Oh love, I didnt know you were sleeping out here. Why are you out here?

Travis: Waiting for you to get home.

Becky: Awe, well I'm ready for bed.

He got up and looked at her injury before laying down.

Travis: Holy shit, have you seen it lately?

Becky: Not since I left the arena.

Travis: Look in the bathroom, it's very bruised.

He walked her in there and turned the light on to make her gasp.

Becky: They did say that it would bruise quite a bit.

Travis: Kelly told me no pressure on it, all you get is pain killers.

Becky Lynch Love II (Becky Lynch × OC) BOOK 2* [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now