Hell in a Cell

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Saturday, day before HIAC*

Becky and Travis flew into the state Capitol of Washington DC and headed to the hotel.

He started to unpack his bags as Becky did her make up.

Becky: You know I never knew how to do my makeup?

Travis: Really? You still don't.

He poked fun at her as she hit him in the arm.

Becky: Don't be a dick, seriously I didn't.

Travis: Clearly the girls in the back taught you well.

He kissed her as they headed to the signings.


Travis woke up first as they were still exhausted from all the signing yesterday, he took a shower and brewed some coffee as Becky walked in with massive bedhead and stood next to him.

Travis: So how's my hot Irish wife?

Becky: Exhausted, I'm worn out.

Travis: Here, you'll need your energy for tonight.

She started to drink and get ready as Travis was in conference calls all morning for the pay per view.

6 hours later*

Both walked into there locker room and unpacked as Travis headed to production, he found out that Becky wasn't going to win tonight.

He was really disappointed as he knew she was so excited to get her title back.

Travis: So she's getting pinned?

Producer: No, but she is losing the match.

Travis: Wow, shes going to be crushed.

Producer: Don't worry, Vince has other plans.

They walked away as he was confused on what that ment, he walked back to there locker room to see Cathy interviewing Becky.

Cathy: So Becky, you versus Ronda Rousey tonight, not in a Cell.

Becky: Its not in the Cell, but the amount of pain I will bring to Ronnie. She'll wish she was in the Cell.

Cathy walked by Travis and left as Becky sat down on the couch to get a call from Katie.

Katie: Look Alexis, its mommy.

Becky: Awe babygirl, mommy misses you.

Travis walked over and sat next to her, which spooked Becky a bit.

Travis: Hi sweetie.

They talked for about ten minutes until it was time to kick off the pre show, where Travis was a special guest on the panel.

Renee: And now joining us is the general manager of RAW Travis Sharp.

He sat down next to Renee and BookerT.

Travis: Never been on a PreShow panel before.

Renee: I think sometimes Booker hasn't either.

Booker T: So Travis, how've you been since your retirement?

Travis: Its been good, being the boss has its perks.

Renee: I bet.

Travis: Yeah bossing people around is alright until you hit Becky, that's where it stops.

Booker T: Atta girl!

Renee: It's probably not fun telling her bad news.

Travis: Its not.

They talked for over 20 minutes until he got a call.

Travis: Go for Trav?

Kelly: Hey Travis, its Kelly with some bad news. One of the refs has food poisoning and they need a ref for your wife's match.

Travis: Hope he feels better, I'll take care of it.

He hung up and walked backstage where he grabbed a striped ref shirt and kept it.


After the tag matches and first Cell match with Braun beating Roman, it was Becky's match.

He was in gorilla as she kissed him, he walked away as they did there entrances, both waited outside of the ring as there was no ref in the ring until they heard Travis's new theme.

They saw him run out to the ring and slide in while pumping up the croud.

Both wrestlers got in and he called for the bell, he watched Ronda move around as Becky never took a step.

End of the match*

Becky and Ronda had destroyed each other with submission moves until Becky rolled her up in the Dis-Arm-Her and the croud erupted on cheers.

Travis was watching for Ronda to tap until he saw Sasha Banks slide in the ring and hit Becky with a chair.

He called the match while Becky was getting beaten with a chair, Ronda had rolled out and took her title backstage at this point.

The croud booed until Travis yanked Sasha off of his wife until she hit him with the chair on the side of his head.

He fell in pain as Becky saw him fall next to her, she freaked out and jumped Sasha.

She was throwing real punches until the refs pulled Sasha out and Travis tackled Becky off of her.

Becky: Babe! Let go, I'm going to beat her ass.

Travis: Calm down, its over.

Becky: No, I'll kill her.

He turned her around and hugged her, breaking his character.

Travis: Babe, its over.

She hugged him tight and kissed him as he walked her backstage and to there locker room where she was brushing all over her back.

Travis watched her lock the door and strip down and needed help.

Becky: Can you point out all my wounds?

Travis: I.. I.. Uh.

Becky: Babe this isn't the first time you've seen my naked.

Travis: Yeah but..

She looked in the mirror and gasped.

Becky: Oh my God, I look like hell.

Travis: Well do you want to go to the hotel?

Becky: Please? I need to ice my wounds.

He helped her pack as she could barely move from those nasty chair shots, he drove them both back to the hotel and helped her up.

She walked in and took a shower, Travis packed ice bags full and pulled out some oil.

Becky came back fully nude and saw Travis waiting.

Becky: What's this love?

Travis: Lay down.

She smiled and layed down on her stomach and he gave her a nice massage.

Becky: moan* that feels great love.

Travis: Just relax.

Becky: moans*

He kept massaging her until she was slowly falling asleep, so he put the ice packs all over her until she woke up from the cold.

Becky: Woah that's cold.

Travis: Feels good though?

Becky: Feeling better by the second.

He slowly kissed her slowly until she smiled, he laid next to her while she laid stiff from the bruises. They both fell asleep.


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