Chapter 21: Absurd Plan

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Jennie's POV

Its been 3 weeks already and its 2 days before Jisoo and Taehyung's so called marriage. Jisoo looks anxious by now and rarely comes out of her room unless she has some errands to run. I wonder what's on her mind? Rosé eversince that day had been acting weird, its like she's avoiding to go to BH Entertainment, how do I know? I picked up a call from the house phone and some guy from BH Entertainment was looking for Rosé saying she's not responding to his emails. Then Lisa had to send her mother back to Thailand knowing the stress Jisoo's in right now, she'd rather not let her mom know about it.

Me? Oh still the same routine everyday, finish what's on the schedule. Its safe to say I'm the one who seems to have the least problems right now, or so I thought...

"Hey Lila" I said with a slight smile as I sat down the chair in my office "What's the schedule for today?" I asked, looking at some documents stacked on my table

"Oh lets see" she said, quickly looking at the schedule in her hands "First, a 30 minute brief meeting on the update about the sales and new recruits coming in, next is-"

"Wait that's Jisoo's job, did you get my schedule mixed up or what?" I said impatiently, glaring at Lila.

For a moment, Lila seemed to have panic in her eyes, but she quickly calmed herself and spoke "Um Miss Jen I think you forgot that Miss Jisoo assigned her schedules to you as well since she was on break.."

Of course... How could I forget that, I literally wanna slap my silly head for not remembering. Since Jisoo stopped doing her part here, everything has been chaos.

"Oh, sorry it just slipped out of my mind.." I said apologetically

Oh gosh now I feel bad for glaring at Lila

Lila nodded, as if she understood me

"By the way, please set these documents aside and put them in their right places" I said sternly, its a sore to the eyes seeing random papers sprawled on my table. I hate unorganized people.

"I'll go ahead to that meeting so we can finish it already" I said lazily as I stood up and went to the meeting room.

Once I entered I could see everyone in their places already, no vacant seats, well, except for Jisoo's seat.

I nodded satisfyingly as I sat on my spot, ready for the meeting to start.

"I suppose we should start this now.." said one

A girl stood and went to the front, the screen showed a picture of the sales the agency has made so far this month

"Our sales have been increasing well. There's nothing much to discuss about except how I think our sales will drastically decrease." the girl started explaining, "Lesser trainees are entering the agency and that means lesser recruits, we need something fresh or new that will spark up the people's attention. Maybe something big?"

"Then how about we sort of have auditions, people get to show off everything they know about modelling as well as their skills and we'll handpick the best ones to enter the agency." one suggested

I just rolled my eyes "We're already in chaos here without Jisoo, who do you think will handle that when everyone is so busy? Also, may I remind you that those who are only willing will approach the agency to become a trainee. We're not on a hunt for models if that's what you're implying." I said lazily, but it still made the others, who were just murmuring and nodding their heads earlier, shut up.

"Well then, since we don't have more recruits, how about something big?" one said

"What do you mean by that?" the accounting manager said

"Well as media call it, 'a scoop', we'll only need a famous model doing something unique and unusual, something that will attract people"

Suddenly everyone turned their heads towards me

"What? I'm not the only famous model here you know." I shrugged, I already have enough on my schedule.

"Yes we know.." said the one who was standing at front "Supposedly you, along with Jisoo, Rosé, and Lisa are the main models that are known internationally, but all of them seems to be busy with their own thing except you."

Suddenly everyone started nodding to themselves, unfortunately agreeing

How wonderful, even the staff noticed.

"Mmkay.." I said, tapping my fingers loudly against the table "How are we supposed to do that?"

"That's the thing. I was thinking about it these past few days.." the girl at the front nervously paused, "but someone volunteered a plan, and he's here to discuss it with us right now.."

"And who exactly is that 'someone' with this absurd plan you're talking about?" I asked impatiently, starting to get frustrated.

"Me." a voice said from behind, not just any voice, its his voice, I instantly froze as I turned around..

Min Yoongi.


Okay guys, I'm completely aware about the issue with Jennie and stuff, but I actually wrote this chapter last year (lol) and its ready to be published. I don't wanna re-edit and change the whole flow of the storyline because of that issue. I just want to clarify before some peeps start to comment about Jennie blah blah. Again this is just a ff so no hard feelings

Ps. Just a heads up

Anyways sorry it took so long to update and Happy Birthday Jisoo 😍😍

Apologies for typos and grammatical errors I'll try to fix them ASAP

Feel free to folloe my wattpad account for updates on my message board

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