Babysitter :-: g or e

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The twins were filming a video where you would take care of Ethan and Emma's baby. The baby's name was Emily.

"So yea cut to y/n!" Grayson yelled to the camera and the video transitioned to you in front of Ethan and Emma's house.

"I hate babies." Y/n said simply to the camera.

"Ethan and Emma have a 9 month old baby and me being Grayson's girlfriend.
There is the expectation that I am supposed to care." Y/n said again with Grayson chuckling in the background.

"Obviously I love my friends I'm just not the baby type." Y/n explained.

"Do you even know how to take care of a baby?" The camera man said.

"You sleep it. You feed it. Uhm you burp it- should I stop saying it?" Y/n paused.

The the two boys laughed.

"I just have to keep it alive right?" Y/n finally said before transitioned to y/n at their front door.

Y/n knocked on their door before it opened to Emma holding the baby and Ethans arm around Emma.

"Did somebody order the worst babysitter in the world?" Y/n sarcastically said making jazz hands.

"Yes we did." Ethan chuckled and moved out of the way for him to carry Emily.

"Ok so we have her food in here and the milk is in here." Emma said pulling out a bottle of milk.

"Is that your milk?" Y/n asked.

"It is my milk." Emma smiled.

"Make sure the milk is not too cold nor not too hot." Ethan said patting Emily's back.

"Got it."

"Yea and the baby monitor is here in case Emily wakes up from her nap just to check up on her" Emma said showing you the baby monitor.

"Ok so where's the alcohol?" Y/n said casually.

"Uhmmmmmmm." Ethan hummed.

"Not that I'm going to drink on the job but when I put him to bed." Y/n said.

"Oh wow they have a bunch here. I'm not a rum kinda gal but— oh vodka blueberry definitely drinking that." Y/n mumbled to herself.

"Ok you wanna hold her?" Emma smiled.

"Mmm not really." Y/n said unsure because the last time she held her bad and it didn't go well.

"Come on its not that bad." Ethan said and then Emma just went for it carefully putting Emily in your hands.

"Oh god. That was quick." Y/n said placing Emily on her thigh awkwardly holding her stomach with her hands.

"We're going to be gone for about... 5 hours?" Emma said looking at Ethan for reassurance.

"We didn't talk about 5 hours." Y/n started to worry.

"What do I do now?" Y/n said still awkwardly holding her.

"It's not crying. That's a good thing." Y/n smiled.

"She not it." Grayson said.

"See I keep doing that." Y/n slapped herself.

Emily all of a sudden started crying and moving around.

"Oh no no what do you want? Uhhhh I don't know what you want." Y/n panicked and then went to the the kitchen and then opened the fridge and the baby immediately stopped crying.

"Oh it knows what's happening" y/n smiled.

"She not it!" Grayson yelled again.

"Whatever." Y/n said and got out the baby food then setting Emily on the high chair.

"Ok here." Y/n said and started to spoon feed Emily.

"Ok uh you missed the spoon but I guess it's ok." Y/n said.

When they were close to finishing Emily bit on y/n's finger making y/n cringe.

"Ok Emily time for your nap:" y/n said grabbing Emily and taking her to her crib.

"What now? Do I just wait for it to sleep?" Y/n said.

"She not it."

"Honestly Grayson shut up."

"Uhm should I rock it?"

"Uh rock a bye baby on the tree top- Uhm. Go the fuck to sleep." Y/n mumbled since she didn't know the rest of the words.

The baby started crying again.

"I think you forgot to burp her." Grayson commented.

Y/n sighed.

"Come on burp it out." Y/n patted Emily's back rather roughly.

Emily spewed out white liquid making y/n groan disgusted.

"Aww man on my shirt too." Y/n said until she realized it was on her arm.

"I don't like this." She groaned.

"Ok play with that I'm gonna drink." Y/n sighed as the baby started to get a little sleepy.

"Hello blueberry vodka." Y/n smiled and hugged the bottle.

"See imma fun mom." Y/n shrugged and took a chug.

"Oh shit it woke up." Y/n chugged the last bit before power walking.

"She not it."

"Fuck you."

"Hello good morning." Y/n smiled and held her which Emily smiled and played with her hair which made y/n immediately confused.

"Yea that's my hair."

"Ow now your pulling it."

"Please stop pulling it."

"I'm *sigh*"

"Hellooo we're back." Ethan sang as he opened the door with Emma.

"Thank god. Here." Y/n ran to them and handed Emma the baby.

"Would you say you too bonded?" Ethan started.

"Not in a way a parent would but I Uh— Yea no not really." Y/n stated.

"Do you like babies now?" Emma questioned.

"Nope. Bye."

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