Prologue · · · Ola

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To dream was to wake in my world. My only world. My only one. She was my only one. He was my only one. I wished to dream her, so I did. And I wished to dream him, so I found him lying on his back, disheveled with bones broken. I was sure I could see at least a few white bones cutting through his skin as they tried to reach for air.

I cried when I saw him. The only man that could reach my sister was lying there, dead. He was dead. Blood coming from his eyes, ears, cuts, dribbling out of his mouth. As I said before, it made me cry. I didn't get sick though. I even tried to run to him so he could help me, to cry for him, to see if he actually was alive.

And I cried for my sister. This man that sat in front of me was the only one she ever loved. If I told my sister that she would yell at me and say no and that she loved someone else. Someone else, other than this man, or boy should I call him since he always acted so immature. But I knew that was a lie. As soon as she saw him, she fell in love with him. She wouldn't believe me if I told her, but it was a classic case of love at first sight.

Then she would cry, "How do you know? You weren't there!"

I would just smile at her and laugh, "You don't know that."

So, I ran to the boy. When I tried to grab him to shake him awake my hands went through him. I had forgotten. I couldn't touch people in their dreams. What a horrible gift to have.

Tears streamed down my face. I cried for him. My sister. Me. I had known him too long to not cry for his death. I looked to the sky and pleaded for his life. When I looked back to him, his eyes were open. It startled me at first, but soon I smiled and laughed with delight. He was alive. What a joy it was.

I wanted to kiss him. Kiss his forehead and hug him even if it hurt. My sister's love was alive and I was joyous. How could I not be?

"Help," he croaked. His throat sounded dry even though there was mist hanging in the air.

Fog swallowed us in the clear pasture. One tree stood off in the distance sending a shiver down my spine. I quickly turned away so I didn't have to see it's spindly branches. A worn wooden fence seemed to sprout from the tree. Halfway down the field, the fence stopped giving me an odd feeling.

I waved it off and turned back to the boy in front of me.

His dirty blonde hair covered his eyes, so I could see them moving back and forth trying to make out what my face was. His skin was covered in red and I desperately wanted to put my hands on his many wounds to try and stop the bleeding.

I watched him whisper something. Even though I couldn't hear what it was, it made my skin crawl. I leaned my ear closer, putting my hand through his chest and onto the dewy grass. I still couldn't get past the fact I couldn't touch him.

The sound of the letter M was the only thing that came out of his mouth.

"Mm...Mell," he finally said. "I miss, Mell."

When he said my sister's name after the light from his eyes went out, I knew that he would always love her. I went to grab his hand, forgetting again that I couldn't touch him. Then I cried.

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