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"Coach you can't be serious! This is a new year! This isn't the time to be joking." The Karasuno High Volleyball captain stood next the gym clutching a volleyball in front of him. His dark eyebrows lifted , awaiting the punchline, any punchline or an indication this was a bad dream.

Coach Ukai flared his nostrils, he didn't like the idea either but their funding would be cut. He hated having to bow his head to that short pompous balding beta. Politically correct or not, how the hell could he guarantee the safety of omegas joining an all alpha team. Not from his players, because hell if he couldn't keep an eye on the little bastards under his watchful eye, but at events it could be disastrous.

He opened his mouth, holding back a deep growl, now wasn't the time to show the Captain of the alpha team just who the Alpha in charge was. Before he could however start to order the younger alpha to get back to self practice, an unfamiliar yet unmistakable scent caught both alphas poorly off guard.

"-things were just fine coach! Now you're saying all we stood for, everything! You're just throwing in the towel. What about Yachi? You're okay to send her to work for those beasts?" The voice of a third year student carried over to the two standing near the gym. The silver haired boy that was protesting stood close to a dark haired adviser who didn't look happy with whatever they were discussing.

Coach Ukai knew the fellow staff member, not just any but the coach for the omega volleyball team. It seemed that they weren't the only ones upset over the new school integration policy.

The two omegas realized too late they had an audience and quickly fell silent, Coach Ukai growled irritably as the shorter omega coach placed a protective arm around his player while passing. The Silver haired boy didn't dare a glance over at the two Alphas.

Daichi held his breath, "Is that the Captain of the-"

"Yes, and your new Vice-Captain. Sugawara Koushi. He's a good player. For an Omega." Ukai grumbled.

"He's taller than I expected. Still, this isn't going to work Coach. It's trouble."

"Do you seriously question your team? Do you think our Alpha team mates are that uncontrollable that it will be unsafe for however many of these omega actually make the team, and then decide to stay?"

"I can't speak for the first years we have yet to recruit but the others, I trust with my life." The blond Coach nodded, "What is it now Coach, something more?"

"The locker room." Ukai sighed heavily, because of course nothing could be easy. "It seems there isn't enough funding to give us separate ones, and since they split the teams into both male and female instead of alpha and omega, we are to share the same locker room without incident."


Announcing the situation at tryouts went just as expected, several Alpha first years stood up and walked out. Daichi knew they would be transferring schools. What the hell was the new principal and vice principal thinking!

"So bullying will not be tolerated. Harassment of any kind will not be tolerated, no one has a set position. Today everyone is on equal grounds and this is tryouts. Now any questions!" No one raised their hands, just the murmur of growls and grumbles.

Then the door to the gym opened led by the Alpha team's manager Shimizu her glasses sitting low on her sloped nose, she held her head high. The Alpha Manager would soon be retiring and rumor had it she had been replaced by a first year Omega. Behind her was a rather timid looking blond, in school uniform, a small pony tail hanging just above her ear, the rest of her hair loosely falling around her shoulders. She looked pale and ready to be sick.

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