Chapter35 Give and Take

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"What is it! Is my setting angel alright?" Yamamoto cried out as he typed into his phone. He caught the attention of the team they practiced with as well as his own.

"What are you whining about you idiot? And put that phone away. " Kuroo and Kenma approached the mohawked teammate.

"I just got a text from my bro Tanaka-san and he said we can't hangout this weekend until later in the afternoon, they have their spring fundraiser meeting it was put off due to injuries to their teammates and their advisor is in the hospital. "

"Teammates?" Kenma produced his phone from midair and started swiping quickly awaiting an answer from Shoyo.

"Where the hell did you have that?" Kuroo frowned, "And we are in the middle of a game-"

"My angel was pushed down the stairs by some basketball jocks. I'll kill them!" Yamamoto growled, Kenma closed his eyes and sighed he'd received a quick text back with a smiley emoji.

"Who?" Kuroo moved closer to look at Yamamoto's phone screen.

"Shoyo was shoved against a locker. It only knocked him out for a little bit. But their pinch server had his hand slammed into a locker he's not so good." Kenma reported reading his friend's text.

"What the hell is going on over there?" Kuroo gave in and went to grab his own phone and texted Daichi.

"HEY!" Oikawa growled from across the net, noticing Nekoma on their phones and not on the court.

"Is he alright?" Maddog asked gruffly crossing over to their rivals side, he had caught what was said from his position.

Yamamoto frowned, and the normally aggressive player asked again almost softer "Sugawara-kun? Is he alright?"

Yamamoto smiled knowingly, another one to add to the Sugawara appreciation club. "He was unconscious for a couple hours and only minerly bruised but he is fine."

"Hey! Are we playing or having a teaparty!" Oikawa clapped his hands. "We don't come here to hang out and make friends! Kentaro!"

"Hey! Maddog-kun, Karasuno volleyball club will be having a butler cafe in a few weeks. Suga in a suit would be quite the sight. Agreed?"  Yamamoto teased.

"Maddog! Get back here! We're starting!" The Sejoh captain demanded, Yamamoto smiled to himself seeing the usually scowling player suddenly break out with a pink tint to his cheeks and he clumsily made it back to his side.

Oikawa leaned in and asked the scowling demon "Is Suga alright then? What happened?"


Kuroo frowned reading Daichi's text, their rivals had several obstacles ahead of themselves. He would be lying if he said he wasn't worried. He would hate to see another player in the hospital, even if they were rivals they were still friends he liked to think. And Daichi had given him some good advice. He smiled at Kenma who was wearing the charm he had given him. And Kuroo had started courting the omega. They were going to triple date and see a movie with Bokuto and Keiji and Daichi with Sugawara. It didn't go unnoticed that there was something about their team's setters that the team Captains couldn't help but love. Bokuto was the the most vocal of them all. Apparently Keiji-chan could do no wrong, Kuroo rolled his eyes, Kenma was a far better setter.

Daichi's text confirmed they were still on for saturday but the alpha wondered if Karasuno's omega setter was really okay.


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