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Daichi wouldn't say he ran, it was a fast walk, or maybe more like a light jog back to the gym. He after all was the team captain. Irritation was part of what fueled him and something else that he didn't want to put a name to. With a heavy sigh he pushed forward needing to report to the coach what had happened before the start of club practice. His thoughts lingered on how pale Hinata had looked. He was an energetic little omega and seeing him so still angered the Captain, and then there was Sugawara. Again the alpha pushed these thoughts away. Focus Daichi, FOCUS! However once he entered the gym he found out Hinata wasn't the only one having a bad day.

Coach Ukai was giving off a rather impressive scent, his anger was thick and almost made Daichi growl in response to the older alpha's anger. The team captain was on alert, realizing there was no reason to be, and growling at Coach wouldn't be a wise idea. Coach Ukai was already near snapping, he in fact was snapping angrily at a late adviser Takeda-sensei. Daichi cringed, wondering if maybe Takeda had been more hesitant to come into the gym with such a strong scent permeating from the tall blond alpha.

Captain Daichi interrupted the arguing adults, and in the middle of his explanation Nishinoya slammed open the gym doors. Hissing and ranting at the pony tailed ace following close behind the short omega. The tiny libero didn't seem bothered by the heavy adult alpha scent Ukai had allowed to permeate like an invisible blanket.

"How long have we been friends Asahi!? I could have taken that son of a bitch out with one hit! Instead you had to swoop in an act like I was some damsel in distress! Do I look like a fucking damsel! Or distressed! Tanaka! Don't hang back like you weren't just as much to blame!" The short libero was vibrating with anger swiveling around on his heels to shout at his taller friend and usual bald partner in crime. 

"Hey! I only cheered him on. It was a beautiful sight seeing Senpai fight for love." Tanaka pressed his hands over his heart batting his eyes skyward.

"What the fuck are you on about!" The short Libero waved his fist at his teammate trying to step around the big lug of an Ace in front of him. Tanaka crinkled his nose, and hid behind his taller alpha friend.

 "Oh shit Asahi protect me! You're wife is going to pummel me with his tiny fists of rage." This only caused the Libero to start yelling and swearing louder. He was unaware of just how bright red his childhood friend, the team's ace was turning.

" Wait! Noya-. Uh, Yu I'm sowee! Sewisly. It was me. Sowee(sorry) Yu-tan. But one more fight and you're suspended. It's my fawlt for losing my head." The ace managed with a wad of tissue around his bleeding nose. Tanaka nodded heading for the locker room not turning his back on the feisty Libero. The tall Alpha with a goatee and his hair pulled back gave his best puppy dog eyes to the shorter player.

"Just keep your head back.Dammit. You still didn't have to-despite what you think I can walk away from taunting. We aren't in junior high anymore. And you still don't know how to fight! You big idiot! You're lucky that the others were to afraid to jump in. I don't think you would have managed had that fuckers friend's jumped in. Cowards. I've never seen you like that."

"It would have been fine but they tried to use their filthy scent to intimidate you. As an alpha I couldn't walk away!" That had been Asahi's downfall, he normally would have just taken his friend up in his arms and run away avoiding conflict. However he heard their disgusting words, and catcalls and something in Asahi snapped when the second year had actually tried to intimidate Nishinoya with an inferior scent. How dare that bastard! Nishinoya wasn't one to ever cower, and now his dear friend was stinking like that sucker punching weakling.

"Is that what got you fired up? Everything else you shy away from but THAT'S what did it? The only filthy scent I can smell has always been yours! and since when are you acting all alpha?" The small omega huffed irritably, this covered the feeling of elation that filled his wildly drumming heart. The small omega had always hoped Asahi thought of him as something more than a friend, and in times like these the libero allowed himself a small glimmer of hope.

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