Chapter39 Father of Mine

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"I need shoes." Shoyo adjusted himself on the couch so his back was against his boyfriend's chest. Kageyama's arms draped over the orange spikers' shoulders, legs resting comfortably along the spiker's chest feet resting easily on the floor. Shoyo was sitting cross legged on the couch holding the remote in one hand. " I have enough of an allowance to buy a new pair and the grand king gave me a coupon! It's for the new sports store that just opened up in the city.  And he gave me a buy one get one free coupon for knee pads. So I can buy a pair and you can have the other pair. Wasn't that nice?"

Shoyo held the two coupons up for Kageyama to see. The young Alpha was sitting behind Shoyo on the couch, and the smaller boy was in the alpha's lap. Kageyama scowled at the two pieces of paper although he did need new knee pads. The store was called Dauntless, Kageyama frowned something about the name made him cringe. Still the bruises on the small omega  were fading and Shoyo was nervous about the upcoming custody hearing.

"And Akaashi-san gave me this coupon well it doesn't look like much of a coupon more like an invitation. The way the paper feels all soft and silky, and it's in a nice black envelope with white letters on it look it has my name. He said it's good for a free lunch or dinner and it covers who ever comes with me. Isn't that so nice! Bokuto-san said he's been to the restaurant and they have some interesting rapeseed mixed dishes, I guess the restaurant owner's son likes nanohana no karashiae so spring always has this on the table. Bokuto-san was making lovey dovey eyes when he was saying this, he must really like nanohana no karashiae on his vegetables. " Kageyama shrugged, Bokuto-san was an interesting alpha.

Hinata was flipping through channels yawning, he turned to look over his shoulder, "I'm very lucky to have such good friends." He rewarded Kageyama with a bright smile and the alpha held his breath, would those smiles always cause his heart to speed up. Dammit why was his boyfriend so cute!

The television's sports announcers booming voice filled the background but Kageyama ignored it, even if the tone sounded familiar. "Hey, hey hey!" The announcer greeted "I have some big news in basketball looks like another player on the japanese team has been traded. Coach Hamada as usual was tightlipped about the details. Let's go to the court!"

"If you want we can go tomorrow." Kageyama wondered if this was too soon but it had been a week and he had been sure to stay close to his boyfriend.

"I might be a little nervous." Shoyo admitted, "Being in a crowded place."

"You don't have to push yourself Sho." Kageyama wrapped his arms around the boy in his lap, the dark haired boy rubbed his chin over the omega's head. The young alpha had made sure to visit daily while Shoyo was recovering, the omega wanted to get back to practicing but he wasn't cleared until monday.  Instead Shoyo was working hard with Ennoshita, Suga and surprisingly Oikawa getting their butler cafe cosplay ready. Even though Trashykawa wasn't even attending Karusauno he was just a pushy and fashionable bastard. Dammit he was a big help and Suga and Shoyo were becoming quick friends with him. Kageyama tried to hold back a tsk.

He was unsuccessful and Shoyo giggled, "Well we can go Saturday. After practice. I'll meet you. I feel like I need fresh air."

"I can skip practice we can go together. I'll meet you here."

Shoyo shook his head, "You can't miss practice. Besides don't worry about me. I'm sure my dad or someone will walk with me if you are worried about me being alone."

Kageyama frowned refusing to say just that, he was worried. After what happened he was terrorfied. Scared that someone could easily walk into their lives and hurt Shoyo again. Kageyama couldn't do that again, Shoyo couldn't go through that again. The alpha had to be better he needed to be better.

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