Chapter 13 The Family You Make

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"They say female Alphas are way more aggressive when territory is trespassed on, but I don't think I've ever seen male Alphas react this way. " Takeda gestured to a tall Ace holding a Libero in his arms scenting and murmuring everything will be alright, that Suga will be fine. Daichi had to be held back and after the pheromones cleared he'd sank to his knees shaking. Would people call them weak? Takeda wondered to himself, Ukai was smoking a cigarette next to him, they were outside but still on school property. Takeda didn't have the heart to reprimand him he was looking shook up. "I'm not cut out for this shit." He mumbled Takeda rolled his eyes. "You did just fine. Coach Ukai would be very proud, proud of all of you. We have a great bunch of kids, a bit violent when it comes to the pack, but sweet. Wish I had these kinds of friends when I was in school-"

"Oh god! Takeda! Are you alright!?" The female volleyball coach growled in Ukai's direction, this had the already edgy Ukai dropping his cigarette and reaching to pull Takeda back towards him, where Asahi and Daichi were standing growling in warning beside Ukai ready to pounce.

Takeda opened his mouth to say something but Yachi's scream pierced the air "HELP! HELP! SHE'S GOING TO KILL HER!" The blond Omega was breathless she didn't notice the tension between the team Alpha's and the volleyball coach for the girls team.

"Yachi-chan?" Takeda frowned he kneeled so he was at her level she was panting and visibly upset.

"Shimizu! Michimiya-she's beating her up. There's blood and-"

"Where?" The Alpha coaches both demanded, Yachi pointed behind her, "Near the entrance to the girls gym."

Both coaches ran off Takeda held a sobbing Yachi, he looked over at the boys behind him, Daichi had sank to his knees and was sitting cross legged, "I'm going to the hospital to see Suga." He mumbled.

"I need to get Noya home." Neither one cared to intervene and both had faith that their manager could hold her own.

"I hope they can stop Shimizu. " Yachi whispered, "I've never seen her so angry. I followed her after that mean girl bolted no one chased her, but Kiyoko was fast she ran after that girl. She tackled her and wouldn't stop hitting her, I didn't understand right away, but she could smell Suga's scent, his fear it's stronger here but it was all over that Alpha. " Yachi felt sick she was holding on to her maths teacher.

"Lets go call some parents, and I'll give you a ride to the hospital Daichi we can wait to see how our vice captain is together. " Takeda sighed Yachi frowned, "Shimizu will be alright. My cousin is pretty fierce herself, she won't hurt anyone and she'll be sure to get the proper help. And our own coach Ukai is just as annoyingly protective, he'll be sure that fairness is involved with any reprimand. Those two alpha coaches are pretty similar so everything will be alright. Now. Are you hurt?"

The first year shook her head, "Just ushaky."

"I bet it's impressive seeing two female alphas fight." Daichi was standing his hands on his knees he was hunched over.


Suga woke up to arguing, "I can't believe this happened. I thought that boy was offering his bond, then he did this! I hope those Alphas ripped him a new one!"

"Calm down mother. It's all superficial according to the police report they didn't get too far."

"Too far! How do we know! He's still unconscious! My poor grandson. And you shut your whore mouth. Why are you even here! I am his guardian you gave up your rights!"

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