Chapter 43 We

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A/N: hiiiiiii happy fourth of july! sorry for the delays! Thanks for your patience!!! I love u all! So this is a little filler i have the next chapter ready! I started writting n kept tossing it out not liking it! But next chapter wont b such a long wait!!!!! RAELYNNLUV! Thanks for keeping me motivated!!! Hope everyone is well, stay safe!!!!

Kageyama sat up quickly responding to the distressed scent rolling off of his sleeping boyfriend , Shoyo was having another nightmare his whimpers tore at the young alpha's heart. He had learned the hard way that startling Sho awake made things worse.

Daichi and Tanaka sempai had given him better examples as to how to deal with these situations. So he gently scooped the tense boy up into his arms pulling off any blankets so Sho didn't feel restrained. He then started to release his own protective scent. That was the part he had to lower his head and ask his upperclassmen for advice.

The young alpha was out of his depth and he wasnt afraid to put pride aside when it came to his boyfriend. He understood all things like volleyball take patience, and so he looked to his sempai for advice. It made him sick knowing that so many of his friends and teammates old and new had experience with an omega close to them having been attacked.

Tobio had even been texting Kenma, the small omega mostly wanted updates on how Shoyo was doing then he would give suggestions to the younger alpha. Kenma wasn't used to talking to any alphas other than his teammates but he really cared about Shoyo so the awkward pudding head tried to help in anyway.

Daichi was the most helpful as was Tanaka-sempai. Kageyama felt sick recalling how Ennoshita-san and Suga-san had been attacked not so long ago.

The alpha felt Shoyo start to whimper and tense, he cursed his growing anger. Controlling his scent was still difficult, Kageyama was angry. Angry at the alpha that hurt Shoyo, angry at himself for not being there and just angry at how unfair the situation was. And now it it leaked into his scent. A distressed omega was sensitive to the change in scent, and any shift would make the upset omega feel threatened as if the anger or aggression was towards them.

So Kageyama had to learn to control it, this should be easy. Seeing how it's illegal to release angry or aggressive pheromones during gameplay. Even then some leak out and the refs give alphas a pass, which some teams are given more allowances than others. It wasn't fair but it was something he realized now that he was on a team with omegas that it was a form of harassment his omega teammates dealt with not just on the court but in daily life.

He took a deep breath and calmed his scent despite the boiling anger he felt over such injustices. He had been standing in line in the cafeteria just days ago and growled at an alpha classmate who was using his scent to bully an omega that was standing in line for sweet bread.

The idiot didn't even realize that his impatient scent was causing the omega boy with brown hair and thin framed glasses to stutter and become indecisive.

"Hey! Bastard pull in your scent or I'll pull it in for you." Kageyama snarled surprising his alpha classmate. Shoyo was next to Kageyama his hands on his alpha's tense forearm.

"Oi, you." Kageyama snapped at the jumpy glasses wearing omega, "Take your time. Don't mind the stink." And the alpha had unknowingly released his own calming scent. This instantly relaxed a grinning Shoyo who stuck his tongue out at their aggressive classmate. Several others in line took a step back instinct signaling that it was a warning. Kageyama was an athlete and athletic alphas tended to have stronger aggressive pheromones.

The young alpha didn't know that he had even done this, he was just used to calming Shoyo down with a reassuring scent. Even if his scent didnt match his scowling face or biting tone. He was just becoming more aware of his alpha privilege and all that entailed.

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