Chapter 32 Hold me

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After the subway incident Kenma decided Kuro could not be left on his own. He decided it was best to stick close to the alpha, his friend and crush. Even if Kuro only saw him as a little brother he needed to protect, he could at least keep the big oblivious idiot out of trouble.

He stayed vigilant on the train ride home, he wouldn't let some subpar omega stain their filthy scent on Kuro's warm one. Kuro smelled of leather, fresh cut summer grass and the summer they spent playing volleyball. He smelled safe and Kenma was spitting fire that anyone would try to touch that and taint it. He was also fuming over his friend Shoyo, so many bad people in their world. What if someone tried to drug the tall oblivious alpha, what would that do to that carefree smile? The small omega lost to an easy boss just thinking of it, he recalled Shoyo's forced smile, how it faltered when a stranger entered the room.

He felt the tension under the highfives to Bokuto-san, although having the big owl in that small room did have a surprising effect on the small spiker. He was grateful for the smiling, loud fool that was Bokuto.

Akaashi caught the covertly grinning Kenma's eye, the Nekoma setter had shot Bokuto-san a grateful half smile. Akaashi nodded in understanding a half grin on his own usually emotionless face.

Bokuto had a way of walking into a room and leaving everyone laughing or smiling. The setter couldn't be prouder to know such a man, to have such a boyfriend. He had kissed the spiker once they were outside the hospital and Bokuto smiled "I don't know what that was for Keiji but I love you too." He lifted the setter up and swung him around.


Kuroo was glad he didn't have to stand closer to his Kenma, after meeting those weirdos on the train earlier in the day he wanted to keep Kenma on his inside so no would be gropers would attack the small omega. However the omega was standing close, and Kuroo swore under his breath, obviously his Kenma was afraid of it happening to him. Well Kuroo could take care of himself, although Kenma had taken charge this morning, something dad would never believe, then again maybe he should leave that part out.

How surprising that Kenma came to his rescue, the alpha had never seen such a fired up Kenma unless it was in playing a hard boss on a new game. Was that normal omega behaviour? Kuroo cursed that he had no one to ask.

The face of Daichi and Suga popped up in his mind, he glanced down at his phone. Daichi was the captain of Karasuno's team. Suga was his omega, they had both showed him a few things and Daichi had given him pointers on offensive plays. They had promised to meet up again for blocking practice and returns. The Alpha had been more than willing to accept, little did he know that Kuroo loved volleyball and he practiced in his sleep, now Kenma wouldn't have to pretend to block or toss for him to return "chance balls" or rebounding blocks.  The Alpha had returned home and went straight to his room ignoring his father's questions on Hinata's condition, he let Kenma fill dad in.

He wondered what Kenma thought of him, more and more he thought of Kenma's lips on his or the spots of naked skin he caught sight of when accidently walking in on him changing.

Dad would kill Kuroo if he ever did anything to Kenma, he's sure of it but if Kenma were to ever find another alpha interesting or worse what if he bonded with someone?

Kuroo hated how Kageyama easily touched Kenma, he had put his hoodie on the small omega, and then the way he pulled him in protectively when he thought Kuroo was a threat.

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