Chapter 15 Alpha and omegas

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Weeks passed after that incident and the Karasuno pack grew closer, not as close as some players hoped. Asahi bit his lip his fists balled at the side of his volleyball shorts, he refused to scent Noya. He had made a plan to start courting the smaller boy, however he needed it to be clear what he wanted. He needed to prove he could keep himself under control so the omega would want him as a mate, would chose him. No other obligation, just because it was his choice.

This silent agreement with himself, only managed to confuse the Libero, suddenly feeling cut off from his best friend. Noya was feeling hurt and distracted, even more so that the ball he had aimed to get hit his face rather than his arms. Blood poured from his nose, he braced himself ready to be swooped up and carried out of the gym. However it wasn't the case, no scenting no warm arms to reassure he'd get the next one nothing. They had just arrived at the training camp, their bus had the most Omegas they heard and so they were lead in to their own gym to warm up, with two locker rooms so their Omegas could change. Noya was first dressed and h to practice receiving while the rest of the team filed out and warmed up. Except the ball Hinata had returned with Kageyama's toss hit his face.

"Oh!" Hinata ran over "I'm so sorry!" He took the offered tissues from Yachi who was shadowed by a scowling and on alert Shimizu. "Sorry! " Hinata looked over at Asahi nervously, the alpha had his back turned.

"It's normal, lets get back to work." The omega smiled at his nervous teammate.

"Noya-san maybe you should sit out till it stops bleeding." Hinata bit his lip jumping when Asahi-san's voice broke whatever Hinata was about to say next.

The little Libero growled at the alpha, "At least look me in the eye if you're looking down on me."

'I am not-" Asahi didn't get to finish instead the sound of the gym opening and another pack entering had everyone pause where they were.

There was a brief tension as the coaches met "Oh, impressive they did say your team had a few Omegas but I had no idea it was five and two betas. Karasuno must be in need of good players."

"Or these are the best." Ukai growled. "We are a progressive school we only see skill not secondary gender." The old coach in red shrugged.

"No offense, no offense meant. I mean you even have an omega manager and Takeda-kun how is your cousin?"

Takeda smiled nervously "She's fine, she is coaching the women's volleyball team."

"I heard. Well let's have a good clean match." Nikoma's coach didn't offer his hand instead the old man turned to go back to his team.

Ukai now understood the female Alpha coach's possessiveness of the Omega, "So that scary bitch is your cousin. I don't know if I should feel relieved or sorry for you."

"Hey! What's that supposed to mean. She's an excellent coach. She's just a bit overprotective." The two coaches headed back to their side, scanning their players for distress. Nishinoya's nose stopped bleeding but the Omegas of the team hadn't experienced the sudden response of protective pheromones.

Suga was moving stiffly and in response Daichi kept the silver haired Omega close occasionally squeezing his shoulder reminding him where he was acting as an anchor. A hand to the back of the neck and quickly whispered "I'm here. We are all here."

Hinata, Suga and Ennoshita were the omegas that Takeda worried the most about, too many Alphas made Hinata sick to his stomach, and as predicted he was running for the bathrooms. A player of the Nekoma team was following him, Takeda didn't need to intercept the other player was small and looked worried. From where he stood he could sort the scents to determine what he assumed was right. The player was omega, he probably had nerves as well, as the coach could see there were no other omegas on the Nekoma team. Suga was just standing stiff, his head down and Daichi had a hand to the back of the vice captain's neck. Ennoshita squatted down lacing and re-lacing his shoes refusing to look up. Tanaka was glaring at anyone looking at the dark haired Chikara, his hands squeezing a volleyball and Takeda wondered if it would pop soon.

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