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Kageyama was used to being alone, he walked home alone, he attempted to study if that's what opening a book and thinking about volleyball instead was, and he definitely ate lunch alone. However after the coach announced pairing up the volleyball team it looked as if his normally somnolent existence would be no more.

Again he didn't complain unless it affected Volleyball, or his playing directly. The others grumbled and beat their chests in protests hearing they would be forced to not only practice with their new "teammates" but spend time with them for the next three weeks. That's when several of the alphas walked out at the beginning of practice, leaving them with a handful of second years. He could see that some of the second years were all familiar, even that annoying alpha with glasses kept close to the omega with freckles. Was Kageyama the only one that didn't have omega friends? Glancing around he could see that the team he had joined already seemed very familiar with each other, was he once more destined to be the odd man out? Not that he cared.

Kageyama hated useless displays of affection. Actually he detested anything that he considered wasted energy, "getting to know" his teammates new or old was all the same to him. What was Coach thinking? They needed to focus on Volleyball and how they were going to become soaring crows,? throwing away the old nickname flightless crows.

He had cut across the courtyard towards his usual secluded spot, glancing briefly at a very stiff looking team Captain, Daichi was stuck with that taller Omega, taller than Hinata at least. The silver haired Sugawara or whatever his name was stood at least 174 cm.

The setter couldn't be bothered to remember the vice captain's name, let alone any of the other's. He had little experience with Omegas having grown up in a home with two Alpha parents. His home was like a museum, lots of pretty things that no one could touch, and his parents were wrapped in their own lives they expected he manage his own affairs similarly. So peace and quiet was what Kageyama was used to, he was an Alpha and in no way touch starved.

The very idea of nuzzling made his skin crawl however he was learning very quickly after glances at some of the other pairs, Omegas did this naturally. THAT and Volleyball were two different things. The vice captain wasn't the type of Omega to enter into one's space from Kageyama's observation. Perhaps Hinata would be the same. In fact the tall vice-captain Omega looked appalled and just as uncomfortable as the Captain, having to follow the tall third year around.

What a headache. Thankfully lunch was the only time during the day Kageyama felt he could relax, drinking his milk then heading to the gym for more self practice. He was glad he didn't have friends to sit with, Daichi's friend's were all Alpha's and they stood up and nearly climbed over each other to shake hands with the new arrival.

To the vice captain's credit he hadn't appeared intimidated or moved by the forward Alphas. However the Captain snarled in warning several times before the group grew nervous and bowed taking leave from the lunch table.

"Idiots." Kageyama huffed taking another draw from his milk carton, maybe he should have bought two. His stomach growled, he hated wasting time standing in the long lunch lines, so milk or yogurt from the vending machine was all he needed.

"Hi! Kageyama! I brought you a milk and a yogurt and some meatbuns. Meatbuns are the best! I managed to get to the cafeteria ahead of the crowd even though my class is on the other side of the building! I know quick right! I'm pretty fast on my toes, my middle school adviser wanted me to join the track team but there wasn't enough Omegas to make up a team. Then after this integration thing there were other clubs wanting members-anyway. I thought you would like some too! Food, that is. Or maybe two or three! You're so tall you probably need more than I do. My aunt says I'm a bottomless pit though. She owns a bakery so I'm always eating the buns-" The Alpha had nearly jumped, spilling milk on his shirt front, he coughed. Where the hell did this guy come from? Was he a ninja, Kageyama hadn't heard him approach.

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