Chapter 24 Families prt. 4 Who?

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Kageyama paced in front of his father's study door, he put a hand over his beating heart. He was nervous, but it was a different kind of nervousness that he felt before tournaments or games.

"Son, before you wear a whole in the carpet do you want to come in?" His father called from inside, Kageyama opened the door and marched in stiffly like a soldier to war. He met his father's curious gaze and uplifted eyebrow with a challenging expression.

"Father. I have met the one that completes me. I will be courting him formally. Once we have graduated high school I intend to room with him at university and once we've graduated I will marry and make a family with him."

His father stiffened, his jaw dropping, as his only son, his only alpha offspring continued on. "I love him and feel our compatibility is adequate to procure healthy and strong offspring." Kageyama blushed thinking of a future where his Hinata held their children in his arms. They would have Tobio's dark hair but Hinata's golden eyes. Maybe one of the pups would have that fiery orange hair. His sons and daughters would be alpha and maybe two omegas. He wanted a house full, seven but he would settle for two if his future husband would agree. He wanted a house full of sounds, not like the museum he was raised in. He wanted his own volleyball team.

There would be scenting and the sounds of pups wrestling and fighting all in good humor. His children would be kind hearted and stubborn like their omega mother. They would look to Tobio for advice but they would look to Shoyo for love. This ideal kept Tobio rooted in his spot, he would fight his father if he said no, he was prepared for the worst.

"And does my future son in law have a name?"

A beat.

"Hinata, Hinata Shoyo." Tobio cleared his throat standing tall.

"Does the boy know of your intentions? Does he reciprocate? How about his family? What kind of people are they? Have you been introduced?"

"I have met his father. Shoyo is my teammate, he spikes my tosses." Tobio said all of this as if his father would understand the small statements in these short answers.

"He plays volleyball? On your team? An omega? My that school is progressive." The dark haired judge hummed to himself sitting back in his chair pushing away from his antique desk.

"He does reciprocate. I haven't asked to formally court him, I need to speak to his alpha first. I just wanted you to know my intentions. As far as family name his father owns a bakery near their house. "

"Ah, an entrepreneur. I see. So are you going to bring the boy over to meet your parents or do you plan on keeping him hidden."

"Then you approve?"

"I haven't said that. I merely would like to put a face to the name." The older alpha sighed heavily keeping his scent neutral.

Kageyama bowed his head, "I'll ask. However he is very busy with school and helping take care of his younger sister."

"Oh, he has a younger sister he cares for, how noble."

"His mother died when his sister was born."

"That's horrible." His mother entered with tea choosing now to make her presence known.

"He doesn't like pity. He has it rough but he doesn't let it show. He's an idiot like that. He keeps smiling no matter how bad he has it. He makes others feel like things aren't so bad, like they can do anything."

Kageyama Akihiko managed to keep the astonishment off his face but his mind nearly short circuited, to think his son would ever speak in such a manner. Feelings? His own marriage was arranged and he and his wife learned to get along and live together but this boy spoke of love.

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