CHAPTER 14 I promise to keep you safe

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Suga tore from a nightmare sitting up painfully in bed, he whimpered and someone put gentle arms around him. He breathed in the scent, accepting what was being offered, safety and love. "I'm sorry Suga, forgive me." The Alpha whispered, "I was too late and-" Suga cut Daichi off,

"You saved me idiot. You came for me." The omega rubbed his bruised cheek against the team captain's neck then upto his jawline and finally stopped near the shell of Daichi's red ear. Suga purred feeling the warmth seep through their contact, he felt a pull on some invisible string between them. His heart pounding faster.

"Thank you. I've never witnessed something so amazing, my heat was starting and you only held me. You just held me." Suga's tears were falling now, and the Alpha reacted quickly but gently. "All my life I've fought against my mother and father's words. They hate that I'm their first son. I don't even know my siblings. They are all Alphas I know that much, its always just me and Granny. "

"I think you will find that there are many an Alpha and Omega that will tell you that you are their favorite surgent mother or big brother. " Daichi didn't know how he managed but he was on the bed near the Omega holding him in his lap, the smaller boy had his back to Daichi's strong chest, leaning back allowing himself to scent, he didn't care about holding back. "I'm here. I know I'm not what you-"

"If you say anything to put yourself down I'll be forced to tell my new self proclaimed bodyguards Narita and Kinoshita that you are upsetting me. "

Daichi laughed now, a full body laugh that shook him "Oh, those two take everything seriously, you win. YOU WIN." Suga decided he liked the sound, and snuggled closer. "Do you have to go soon."

"No. My father knows where I am I can stay the night." Daichi was surprised his father didn't tell him to head home after he gave a quick statement. Instead the usually quite stoic man told him he was proud of him and he left his son to make his own desicions.

"Will you. I'll have to tell everyone I'm sorry for falling asleep."

"I kicked them out." Daichi made a pained face "I'm sorry if it's too forward but I was worried at the lateness and I didn't want you stinking of everyone else. Although you don't smell like yourself. I had to apologize to Noya, but apologizing to Asahi was harder, I thought he wanted to kill me. I just don't remember a lot of what happened."

"Noya understands, and I owe you both. I don't know how I'll ever-"

"You already have a hundred times over. Suga, you do so much and don't even realize your worth. I love- I mean we all love you." Daichi blushed again.

"Say it again." Suga whispered his sore body relaxing he leaned back his head under Daichi's chin.

"I love you." Suga heard his Captain whispered, his sigh ruffling the soft gray hair of the Omega. Daichi could see where a patch of hair had been ripped out, he closed his eyes swearing quietly, not wishing to upset Suga, he only squeezed the younger man to him. Then ran his own hands over the bruised wrists, bringing a hand one at a time to his lips, licking the bruised wrists and kissing. He nipped at the fingers causing the Omega to purr and drift off to sleep. He kissed the opposite arm in a similar fashion, only stopping to suck on the fingertips causing a warm shudder from the omega.

Daichi staid holding the Omega, and each time Suga awoke crying or terrified he held him tight to remind him that there was nothing to fear. The young Alpha had accepted a cool cloth from a nurse and cleaned the sweaty forehead of his vice captain. He kissed the bite marks, licking them, as an alpha his saliva would clear the marks slowly but surely of a lesser alpha. He needed to saturate the air with his own scent so Suga could sleep, and feel safe. Daichi made it his mission as an alpha and a man.


Yachi and Shimizu smiled looking in they left their flowers and balloon and let the captains sleep. Yachi tutted over her upperclassmen's bruised knuckles, "Let me wrap your fingers and rub ointment on them."

Yachi stopped, she was being too familiar, would her Senpai be angry? Instead she looked up and found Shimizu's eyes burning into her. Those bruised hands slipped from her smaller ones and cupped her face, and Yachi's question formed on her open lips was smothered by a demanding warm mouth. The young Omega stood still frozen, and her knees nearly buckling as all the air was dragged from her body. The mouth was slowly working into a demanding frenzy before pulling away.

"If that had been you," Shimizu touched foreheads, "I would have killed them all. Daichi has more restraint than I do. He's much more mature, but I hope you will consider me as a potential girlfriend."

Yachi found herself nodding her head, before losing strength in her legs, Senpai picked her up and sat her down in a nearby chair. Shimizu made a deep noise that sounded like a purr and the soft uninterrupted rumble was calming and at the same time embarrassing.


Noya rubbed his head, he was dead tired and still a little dizzy, what a night. He watched as Natsu and Hinata got into a taxi with that strange Uncle living with them. That uncle had come through today, Hinata was lucky to have been adopted by an Alpha. His own parents had passed away and his grandparents weren't exactly warm or cold. He was scooped up again this scenting was getting out of hand.

"You're going to my place I already asked your grandparents they said yes. By the way we are working on a class project."

The big idiot was holding him and rubbing his jawline over the top of Noya's head, careful over the bruised area. As if to say 'Don't be sad.'

Noya allowed himself to be pulled towards a waiting taxi once inside Asahi directed the driver to his home. "I can't believe you lied to my grandparents."

"Not exactly a lie. " Azumane hugged the smaller Omega tighter. "How is your head?"

"I'm fine. And don't be so scowly to Daichi-san. He was only acting on instinct, and it was a push it was my clumsy feet that didnt work, first rule to being an Omega never turn your back on an Alpha no matter who. "

"You are so beautiful Noya-chan. So brave. My parents made meat for you, and our beta friends as well as Chi-chan and Ryu. My parents are happy to see you, they are amazed that I have such quality friends I think. They thought I was gay for the longest time but when I told them you were an Omega they've been wanting me to invite you over more and more.

"Tonight is a perfect night as any." Asahi watched Noya shrug

"Okay. I love your moms cooking!"

The older Alpha watched every movement of the Libero, remembering how they first met, how did it take this long to admit his feelings for the smaller man. It took an omega going into heat to get his head straight. Usually it was the other way around, but he loved Noya, he truly did. He wanted to keep him close, to breath in his scent and mark him. He blushed feeling the light bite mark just above his gland. It felt warm, it looked more like a hickey in the mirror but Asahi wanted to wear it proudly. He loved Noya! Could Noya feel the same? Did he even realize he'd marked Asahi? Or had it all been the pheromones in the air? Why was this confusing? Why was this terrifying.

"What are you smiling about Asahi?" The libero looked suspicious.

"I was remembering how we first met."

"Oh, you and I were the same size then. Remember I thought you were in the same grade as me, and you were too shy to tell me I was wrong." The two giggled at the old memory.

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