Chapter 19. Famalies prt.1

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Takeda tried to side step the Alpha coach that now had him trapped with a kabe-don. Yes, how cliche, this was the part in a manga where the omega lead would be saved from such an act by a charming alpha. However Takeda knew from experience such things rarely happened and never to him. Well there was that one time, he'd only known two Alphas that came to his rescue.

He cursed himself for not knowing better, this bastard had the nerve to sniff at him. The short dark haired omega tried to keep his panic from rising, usually his cousin would come around a corner and save him, she had an uncanny sense of when he was in danger. But this was volleyball camp for the boys, no way she would be showing up anytime soon. And Coach Ukai was long retired, he needed to stop hus wishful thinking.

"Listen, I'm sorry. I'm not interested. And it's rude to sniff at an omega-"

"Come one sweetheart. The kids go to bed soon, we can have a little fun, I brought some good sake. It might loosen up  your inhibitions. "

Ukai was an adult, and an Alpha that should lead by example however seeing this bastard so casually speak and touch his omeg-his co worker,  was unforgivable.

Looking at Takeda who usually kept his cool, he was anxious and starting to panic, this was new. The Omega usually kept himself in check, what was different?

"Don't touch me." Takeda hissed trying to push himself back further into the wall.

"Oh, don't be that way, there is never an opportunity like this." Naoi smiled slyly, "We both are adults-"

"Oi! Bastard!" Ukai pulled the dark haired coach back by his collar, allowing Takeda his escape. "Don't put your filthy hands so casually on my advisor!"

"Woah Ukai, I was only trying to have a conversation-"

"Conversation my ass. You're crowding my Omega here with your stink." Ukai was standing firmly between the two unaware of the effect his words were having on the glasses wearing omega, "Aren't you a little too old for the Kabe-don?"

Noai flasheed a guilty smile backing away slowly "And tell your cats to quit sniffing around my crows. They're going to give my team captain a heart attack."

"I never knew how entertaining omegas could be, you managed to get yourself some pretty talented ones. Wonder if my boys could convince them to come over to Nekoma."

Ukai snarled and his old acquaintance backed up faster hands up head down. "Just kidding, come find me if you want a drink later. Bring your boyfriend."

Ukai waited for the Nekoma coach to continue on his way before turning back to a confused Takeda.

"You're not my boyfriend or my Alpha. I could have handled that. I'm not a kid" He mumbled unable to disguise the shaking in his voice.

"I know but i know that guy as well, and he doesn't take no for an answer. He's just as bad as his players. " There was a pause "Are you alright? You're trembling."

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