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Nishinoya Yu wasn't going to run, he knew when he was being pursued, he led the bastards into a more secluded area away from prying eyes. Pushing up his jacket's long sleeves he waited for the first Alpha to step around the corner. He swung his bag the brunt of it coming in contact with a tall all too familiar idiot of an alpha. "Oof!" the dark haired Alpha let out air and caught the offending bag of bricks or was it books before Yu's book bag hit the dirt.

Yu growled "Why are you following me? "

"Noya-chan, you know fighting is prohibited and you can be kicked out if you get caught. Right. " The smug reply came from a blue haired alpha.

"Don't fucking call me that. Besides I haven't yet and no Alpha is ever going to admit to getting his ass kicked by a short Omega in the Volleyball club. "Noya yelled this to the bastard smugly and with confidence. 

"Who says they're getting their ass kicked?" The Alpha grumbled "As always so self assured. I'm going to enjoy bringing you down a peg or two. Or pegging you down a knott or two." The taller boy laughed at his own disgusting joke. Noya rolled his eyes.

"Oh, I should have guessed it was going to be you leading the call Endo! Come on man this is getting pretty old. Aren't you tired of being knocked over and kicked repeatedly by my boots. Or at this point it's a sick guilty pleasure? I see you brought an audience this time. So we gonna do this?" Nishinoya sighed meeting the taller basketball player without flinching. The other three players, all benchwarmers, to Noya's annoyance, because really couldn't Endo find someone worth while to attack with?

"Hey. Where's your Azumane-kun? I thought he'd want to watch us all take a turn with you. Maybe he could join us, learn a thing or two about what it means to be a real Alpha."

The basketball small forward laughed receiving a hiss from the little omega, it would be fun to finally tame the little bastard. Endo had purposely brought along the three others he knew that weren't above hurting an Omega just for kicks. They were already starting to flood the small corner of the deserted school's garden with their scent.

He could tell they were hesitant of Azumane, but Noya didn't need an alpha, he would show them what kind of fucking wuss that bastard Endo was. Besides how dare they even metion Asahi's name. 

"Don't fucking talk about him like that! Leave him out of this. It's just between me and you." Yu snapped.

The last time the ace had been cornered like this with Yu, the bigger Alpha had simply lifted Yu up over his shoulder and whisk Yu away. However Endo wasn't going to let this happen not this time, he had the exit blocked and he was going to make that little fucker eat dick conscious or not. And that Azumane was nowhere in sight. Fucking Volleyball players were weird letting the Omegas join their team without much of a fight. Already he and the three others were having to 'try out' for a team they'd always played for.

Endo had let his guard down and Nishinoya took advantage again repeating the heavy bag trick, this time hitting him square in the middle of the chest knocking him back, Nishinoya jumped up and kicked the center forward next to him in the stomach. 

Endo's lacky's growled in response to the surprise attack. Damn the bastard could jump, it wasn't a wonder coach wanted him to try out for the club, and now one of the guards hit the ground due to being kicked in right between the legs.

"That's what you came at me with, well you knotless bitches, I'm out. I thought I had a challenge before practice. You keep Asahi's name off your lips! You useless-" Endo dove at the bastard not ready to give up yet, using his anger and Alpha pheromones. He would get this little bitch to bend, it was evolution it was instinct, even the freak omega couldn't fight his secondary gender.

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