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           "Good Morning hun, you shouldn't be late for your college on the first day,so wake up", "please mom I wanna sleep", I mumbled. For a second I thought it's my mom. I sprang up and sat on my bed, I mean, I thought I am in my bed and my home until I saw the women who is speaking to me is Amanda...Not my mom....😔. I don't think she realized what I am thinking or if she did, she doesn't showed it, instead she smiled softly.

          "I have arranged everything for you so be quick and come down for breakfast"with that she left without even waiting for my reply.They are treating me like their child and I don't know how to take all this affection because I never know any others as a family than my parents. I never met my grandparents or other relatives if we have any.

            I got up from the bed and done with my daily routine and wear a casuals(jeans,full sleeves tshirt-to hide my scars) which amanda bought for me yesterday and went downstairs with my college bag.

          "Good morning to both of you" I greeted them with a smile. "good morning dear "they said in sync with their signature smile they give me whenever they talk to me. We had breakfast together,Amanda packed lunch for me and forced me to accept.With that I left the house and waiting for the college bus.

            They asked me to take one of their cars but it's too much if I say yes for that too.

          I got in the bus, it's obvious that if any newcomer is there everyone will stare with curiosity, Now I'm experiencing that.Found a window seat in the last row. I know I have no friends and I don't want to have one. I don't think anyone wants to have a friend who has a hell lot of baggage. So I sat alone enjoying the view till reaching college.
          After reaching college, I searched for office building and found it without much struggle luckily.

           Unfortunately I didn't have much time to celebrate this small victory as I have to get familiarize with the campus and attend the classes in less than an hour.

Receptionist: Hello! How can I help you?😊

Myself: Hi, I'm Venus Hales....🤝New joining,can I get my schedule?

Receptionist: Oh welcome to HFT University🤝, Here is your schedule and key to your locker.Have a nice day..😊 and feel free to come to me if you need any help.

Okey.... that went well I guess.. I'm walking towards my locker and heard some noise coming from the direction I'm going.As I'm getting closer,I found students crowded at my locker.

           "Oh My God!!!!.. Is this some kind of welcome prank on the new student?!" when I reached there, I understood this is not my welcome gathering but a bunch of students are fighting and I gathered from the yelling and swelling of their faces it is a very nasty fight.

          I guess my ability to understand the seriousness of the situation is not so good because I tried to reach my locker in the middle of the chaos and let me tell you the result is very bad and painful.... I got pushed back by some moron and landed on my butt. "ssss....", I hissed under my breath when the pain shoot up my body, still it got attention of one guy from the group as he stopped fighting immediately.

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