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               "Are you gonna introduce your friend to us Clara?" One of the guy asked her. She glared at him and said "Venus the middle one is Blake,left one Joe and the last one is Charlie".

Blake has brown hair and green eyes and is the tallest one in the group. He looks like a no nonsense all business type of a guy but hey we can't judge anyone by their looks. Joe is the one with blonde hair and blue eyes kinda gave me typical barbie feeling. Last one is Charlie, he has black hair with brown eyes and has similarities of Asian. I think I looked like a creep now because I am just observing his features without blinking but he just smiled and said he mostly get that because of his exotic features and he got them from his mother as she is Asian. All in all they have this friendly aura around them which made it easy for me to handle the attention I am getting from the group. And I have a feeling that I will not regret this meeting.

                 With a wide smile they said "welcome to our gang Venus" in unison. That made my belief in not regretting stronger. "Finally there is a girl in our group" Joe shouted with excitement. "What did you just say Joe" Clara glared at him. Blake cleared his throat and said "stop it guys, you are disturbing someone here" with that we all turned to him.

             He is looking at Zandar who is just staring at me. He looked like he is studying me and his eyes holding some foreign expression. All of them Shared glances with each other as if passing some secret message between them, gave me a look and smirked at me. It's too embarrassing for me that I need to do something to escape from this embarrassment.  I moved my hands in front of his face and asked "what are you thinking Zandar? You even forgot to blink since we noticed you."

             With that he came to his senses and rubbed backside of his neck awkwardly. Clearing his throat he started talking but got cut off. "Okay,guys let's come to the point,Clara you told that you need a favor right? What was that?" Charlie asked her.

          "Not from you idiot. Zan, here is the thing, Venus wants to learn self-defense and I thought you would be interested in teaching her." Clara told Zandar. He studied  me for a second, "Venus, what do you think about boxing? Are you interested in learning it?" asked me.

          "Yes Znadar, I am fine with anything as long as it helps me to defend myself"  I said. He smiled and said I can call him Zan just like his friends. I just smiled at him with him doing the same but it got stretched a bit long with us just smiling without talking anything. Our smiles dropped into embarrassment when someone coughed . I looked at anywhere other than him.

              "It's getting late and we have college tomorrow so shall we sign off to home?" I asked Clara. "Yeah,Venus we'll and Zandar you can tag along as well, what do you say?" She asked him with a smirk.Charlie came to scene and said "What else he can say Clara, obviously it's a yes cause our new friend is also...." he was cut off my Zandar with a slight punch in his stomach.

               Clara said she is exhausted and want to rest in the back seat. So Zandar took the wheel and I, the passenger seat. It is so awkward given what happened before. The ride is almost silent other than the music from player which is a romantic number. Ahhhh why God why do you have to embarrass me always? I think I blurted out, Zandar laughed a bit and I blushed. He said cute as if telling himself and I blushed more.

             Finally.... It's my stop. Zandar and I got down and we bid goodbye staring each other a bit long until we heard a loud honk. Surprisingly Clara is awake and ready to drive. We both glared at her and she gave a sheepish smile. I just smiled, looking at him one last time went inside. They are so lucky that all of their houses are so near and I'm glad I met the people like them. George and Amanda were already asleep so I went into my room, changed into my night wear and went to bed.

               As I was about to sleep my mobile made a notification sound. For a second I was scared and opened it to see it's from those guys. They added me to their group chat.

Me: You guys just freaked me out .
Joe: What!!
Charlie: Strange!
Zan:Sorry, we thought to surprise you.
Clara: Shut up and go to sleep everyone.
Me: see you tomorrow guys....

          "Yeah,sure" everyone said in unison with that I went to sleep.


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