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          I informed Amanda and get into Jake's car. After traveling for a while he stopped the car and got his backpack from the backseat. He's doing something mischievous or dangerous, I don't know whether I'm about to be adventurous or minutes away from being arrested. God knows....

          When I'm about to ask he covered my mouth with a cloth that drenched with some liquid. There's no chance for me to retaliate cause I'm loosing my consciousness slowly.

          "Sorry Venus, but I promise that I won't let him or any of his dogs to harm you" those were the last words I heard and why me is the last thought I have before I went to deep sleep.


Zandar's P.O.V:

          "Why do I have a thing with Jake when I'm in love with Za...." those are the only words having rotations and revolutions in my mind and making my stomach do weird things that I don't want to admit to anyone. Staring at the ceiling I'm smiling to myself then a message sound interrupted my thoughts. I got up and saw the message.

          It's a group message from Venus "Hey, Jake texted me now and he asked me help, I said yes and he is taking me to somewhere tomorrow. So I need you guys with me. I'll on location indicator just trace me."

          We asked her to don't go with him but she said Jake sounds like he's in real need and he was our friend once. So we said okay, actually Clara is the one who obeyed first and we had to knowing Venus will be with him tomorrow.

          Like we have planned, we followed Jake's car. Along with GPS we asked Venus to be on call and place her phone in her pocket so that we can hear what is Jake and her talking.

          At some point he stopped the car. We are hearing their conversation but

         "Sorry Venus, but I promise that I won't let him or any of his dogs to harm you"

          Is the last sentence we heard after that the only sound we're hearing is the sound of air. We came to know that Jake is not going to hurt her but there is something mysterious and very dangerous. He drove the car into an abandoned building on the outskirts of the city.

          We stopped our car and entered the building after 2 minutes of him taking Venus inside . I know we should wait at least a good 10 minutes before we enter but anxiousness made me to urge others to follow me. Venus is unconscious, Jake is carrying her on his arms. He went into a room with Venus. We can't go in cause we have no idea what's going on here and most importantly any wrong step can put Venus in danger so we waited patiently outside the room.

          They started talking as if whispering or the room is damn too big. Good thing is we can hear their conversation clearly as Venus mobile is still on call with us.

  "Hey Jake, you really are a man of your words" "I'm not here to listen your appraisals"
"Calm down my boy give me my precious princess first"
"Where's my mom?"

          Mom!!! We stare at each other cause of confusion. We all know Jake's mom,she is a lovely person. After Jake stopped talking with us we didn't went to his house but what happened to her and why Jake is asking that person about her. Also, that person's voice sounds familiar.

         "Do you really think I'll leave a person who knows my secrets?"
"What do you mean? what did you do to her?"
"No what I meant to say is you're going to stay here with your mom for the rest of your lives."
" Why are you doing this? What did we ever do to you? Because of you I became enemy to my best friends , because of you I lost the love of my life, and now you're doing this to me and mom and I certainly don't know how Venus is involved in any of your twisted plans of yours , Go on do whatever you can. I'm not afraid of you, I promised her that I won't let you hurt her and I will take mom and Venus with me."

          "I don't mind shooting you at this spot if you try to do anything stupid and trust me when I say I won't even regret my actions Jake."

          We could not wait here and listen to their conversation anymore. We rushed into the room and within a fraction of seconds I tackled the man who is threatening from behind to the ground and Jake managed to grab his gun aimed directly to his head while others knocked out 3 others who are undoubtedly his henchmen.

          My eyes widen once I saw the person struggling in my hold, I looked at my friends who are wearing the same expression as mine.

We all said in unison with utterly shocked faces
"Uncle Joseph!!!!!"


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