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                  We had the snacks and Clara asked me if I'm ok now. I sighed, I know I have to finish telling her so that I will be a little relieved and continued my story....

                  The knocking sound was getting louder, I didn't move an inch, I just closed my eyes and praying they would just leave. I am sure they were some intruders, as apart from me no one else know what happened to my parents yet. I was the first one they called. So they have to be someone whom I am not familiar with.

                   Suddenly the knocking stopped and my house was filled with silence until someone broke and entered into our house.

                  I didn't have my mobile with me I left it in the living room so I can't make a call to police.

                 Only the sound I'am listening is my heartbeat and foot steps that are approaching towards my room.

                 Two persons entered into my room by breaking the door.They are moving randomly searching for something..First I thought they came for robbery.I think they didn't find anything in my room and leaving.

                 One of the guy stopped and came towards the bed and spot me under the bed.

                 "Oh! Little Princess you are hiding here...How cute.."he said so maliciously that I felt disgusted to be just seen by him, with an evil smile approached the bed.

                Another person also came towards us and looked under the bed.

                They both had an evil grin. The first one caught my hair and dragged me out from my room to the living room. There I spotted a man looking rich and polished although I cannot remember seeing him ever in my life. He slowly rose and came towards me.

                   I was so scared and started shaking. He just stared me for a few seconds before signalling his men something which I didn't understand. They tied my hands and gagged me without giving me any chance to scream.

                  They started dragging me and got irritated with my protest and fight. One of them slapped me so hard that I could see stars. They dragged me out and tossed me into their vehicle. I watched my home longingly with tears streaming down my face.

                  They took me to an abandoned building and tied me to a chair. They left me there and went to inform their boss. I sat there and thought how much just one night changed everything for our family. 'Family', I remembered I couldn't even see my parents for the last time. I have lost my parents, my home, and my life in overnight.

                 I don't know why they are doing this to me. It's like living hell. I cried for help but no use, they used to slit my body with a knife, I screamed in pain and they used to laugh at me . They used to treat me as if I am their punching bag. No one was there to listen my pleas. They thought they were successful in breaking me to the point that I won't ever try to think of escaping and left me untied. Luck was on my side that I managed to escape from them that night when they thought I was cold and out.  I jumped out of the window and took off without any destination and ended up on some abandoned looking road. That's where the Whites found me laying unconscious and saved me. Now here I am with you sharing my dreadful past.

                 Clara's eyes were filled with tears when she moved towards me and hugged me tightly and told "Venus don't worry I'm there for you and everything will be fine."

                 Sometimes all we need is someone to wrap us in a big hug and say everything's gonna be okay......

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