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            It's 6am. and my alarm started snoozing I woke up and turned it off. I think Clara is not a morning person.I went to the bathroom and done with my morning routine, changed into black jeans and plain shirt.

            Started with my class assignments and within an hour I am done with my work. Clara is still sleeping and next to my bed I spot my mobile, I completely forgot I had a thing like that..

            I took it out from the bed and started looking into it. I used to play a lot of games in my mobile and let's just say I am a pro in a lot of games. No one of my friends had beat me in those.

             I heard a knock on my door and went to open it. Amanda stood there asking us to come for breakfast. I told her that Clara is not awake but we'll join you in 15min with that she left to dining room.

              After a lot of struggle I managed to wake her up."Good morning Venus.... What's the time now?"she asked me in a sleepy tone."It's 9am Clara just wake up and Amanda is waiting for us at the dining table."okay just give me 10min"with that she left to washroom.

                 She wore one of my dress and we went for breakfast." So what are your plans guys?Would you like to come with me for shopping" Amanda asked us.

               I was about to say yes but Clara stopped me and said "Sorry Amanda we need to finish a project by today itself, so maybe next time.."she said with a smile and turned her gaze to me and hissed "we need to discuss so many things Venus,did you forgot that". Uff there went my only chance to stall this situation.

              We told Amanda that we are going to a friends house, she said yes and we went out from there.

               "Clara where are we going?"I asked her out of confusion."To my home, it's just 10min long".I think we had arrived, she parked her car and we got down.

                It's a beautiful house, not as big as White's Manson though it's quite big. We entered into it and Clara ran towards the kitchen where I think her parents are there."Mom.. Dad...What are you guys preparing for us?" She asked them with a heart ful smile.

                "Just wait until we finish it Clara" they both said in sync. "Where is Venus?You told that you both are coming"her mom asked her.

                 "Oh I forgot,Venus just come here I'll introduce you to my parents" she shouted from the kitchen. I went there "Venus meet my parents Watson,Olivia. Mom and Dad meet my friend Venus" she introduces us with each other.

                 They both greeted me and they are such a lovely family. Clara took me and showed her house. The interior and everything was just perfect. We went into her room. One of the wall of her room was decorated with full of photo frames.

                 The photos were not only hers, the four boys whom I met in college were also there. While I'm observing those photos Clara came to me and said about how close friends they were from kindergarten.

              It's just a blessing to have a friends from kindergarten and they become our best friends for life time.

              In every frame I can see the care and love they are showing towards her.

              "Come on Venus I'll take you to the pool side,mean while we can have chocolate milkshakes which were prepared by my mom until lunch is ready"with that she dragged me to the pool side.

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