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          "What!!!? Are you kidding??It's impossible" I am so shocked after listening to the lady who stopped us at the front door not even letting us peek inside.

          "You are mistaken, we've been living here since ages. You might be confused with the address " that lady told me looking kindly yet I can hear nervousness in her voice.

          "Are you sure Venus, is this the house where you used to live?" Zandar asked me and there is questioning look plastered on my friends faces.

          I can't believe it, this lady is telling, no, even showing me every proof that she had that this house is belongs to her. What on earth is happening around me. There's nothing in this house that belongs to me and my family.

          Tears starting to roll from my eyes.
Suddenly I'm hyperventilating, I'm only hearing the ruffling voices. I can't believe my house is not mine anymore.Don't know why my parents want that house to be built in the outskirts of the town. We don't have any neighbors, it's so calm and pleasant or so they thought it would be. But now I don't know it will turn out to be their biggest mistake.

          "Venus, just calm down and breath" I'm hearing Zandar's voice, he is holding me too tightly yet carefully. I can not calm down right now. I lost my house, MY HOME where I lived with my parents and have wonderful memories, the place which was my safe sanctuary, where I used to dream about my life my future without any fear, the same place where my life turned upside down and now scared me even to dream about anything good happening to me. How can I calm myself when I couldn't even get to take a picture of my parents to treasure.

          Finally I came to my senses, with the lost of hope I turned back to go away from my house.

          Return journey was so calm, I didn't utter a single word to anyone. By the sympathetic look on their faces I can guess they are also believing that I lost my memory to identify my own house. I'm helpless cause I don't have any proof left there to show them. Actually I'm feeling like I've lost  myself now.

          Zandar dropped me at the White's mansion. Before he speaks anything I rushed into the mansion. I've felt the sadness on his face.

          I covered myself up so that the White's wouldn't feel bad or worry for me. I don't know what to tell them if they ask me why am I looking like that. I've been crying through out the journey to the mansion. I managed to get into my room without them noticing me.


          I felt someone's presence and my eyes wide open, when I was about to scream it's too late. They covered my mouth and dragged me out of my room.

          My eyes were searching for some help hoping that someone would be awake. "Hey! Who are you? Leave her right there." It's George shouting and coming towards us from the living room. The strangers grip become tighter on my hand and the other hand holding a gun.

          He pointed it to my head. My eyes went wide. He's threatening to kill me if George tries to come any closer to us. But George didn't care and approaching me with a stern look.

          Intruder aims the gun and pressed the trigger. My eyes were shut and tears were rolling making my vision blur. When I heard George screaming Amanda's name my heart skipped the beat. When I opened my eyes I came to see the person who got hit by the gun was Amanda not me. She's struggling to breathe and there is blood everywhere. Anger rushed through my body when I was about to retaliate I heard another shot and it's George who got hit by the bullet. They're on the pool of blood.

          He covered my mouth from screaming out their names and dragged me out of the mansion and to the never ending dark......

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