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"Jake", I whispered and reached him to take his order even though that's not what I want to do. I cleared my throat and he looked up with a smirk. I rolled my eyes and gave my best sarcastic smile with a "your order please". He dropped his smirk and gave his order and I left to kitchen to place the order. If he thinks that I will be intimidated by him then he has something else coming from me.

To my luck (note the sarcasm) everyone is busy and I am left to get his food back. I sighed and placed the tray. I am about to leave when he called my name. I am shocked and stand there like statue for a minute before turning to him. I raised an eyebrow as if to ask him what. WoW he know my name!

He exhaled and asked if he can talk to me for a few minutes. "Woah woah wait, you have something to talk to me? Yeah right. I don't think I am interested in listening", I turned back and left.

     Thankfully, my shift has come to an end and I, successfully, able to avoid talking to Jake. He got the hint that I am avoiding him and left with a promise that he will have a 'talk' as if I will listen to him. Finally reached home with Clara, for some unknown reason, acting as my personal chauffeur and bodyguard. I think,it's not just her, whole group is treating me as if I'm some princess who needs protection and even Zandar calls me Princess. They think they are doing their so called job i.e., protecting me discretely but I'm not that stupid though.

         I think I did pretty well for the first day of my job and I'm feeling lucky to have these many caring people in my life. This weekend I planned to take my friends to the place where my life has turned upside down, the place which I used to call my home, my safe heaven, my sanctuary till those bastards ruined that for me.

I've already informed Amanda that I'm going out with my friends this weekend and she said "I never say no to your decision until it's makes me believe that you're safe." And I don't need to introduce my friends to her cause she knows them from their childhood. Yeah you see apparently their parents are either work partners or family friends. I felt it's kinda weird not in a bad way.

Clara is already here to have a girl's night before we leave tomorrow. She thought it will make me calm my nervous but it didn't have any affect. The thing is we couldn't enjoy the night as we expected because I am so nervous about tomorrow and Clara is very excited to know about my childhood.

The door bell rang and everyone is here. They talked to Amanda for a while and we all moved to the driveway. Clara and remaining guys hoped into Joe's car as if some psycho killer is coming after them and I watched them dropping my jaw. Zandar opened the car door with an amused smile for me to hop in while I have a silent laugh at their awkwardness. Eventually we both had a good laugh at their expense.

The journey is calm and peaceful. Zandar is driving at medium speed. It's too quite and I don't know what to speak so I'm checking him out which I thought doing discreetly. His hair was a mess yet attractive, eyes are so vibrant with dark blue shade that it makes impossible to anyone, especially for me, to take off my eyes, the most attractive thing is his dimple, it enhances his handsomeness. Finally his rosy, perfect shaped lips.

"Are you done checking me out Princess?". He poked me on my shoulder then I came to my senses and felt embarrassed for my act. "Um.... I just..." I'm unable to find words to speak. He just smiled and continued his driving.

I shouldn't have done that... I almost has been caught for my action...ugh.... He started laughing, "Haha, you're really cute Princess", he pinched my cheeks lightly. "What?! Did I say it loud? Oh My God!! not again....." I literally face palmed! For this embarassment.

He's still laughing and I decided to change the situation. "I'm feeling hungry" even though I'm not...." Okay I will inform others to Stop by the restaurant which I know is on the way."


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