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            "Clara!, Venus! It's time for lunch, you guys can continue your chat after having lunch. " Her mother shouted from the dining room.

              We made our way to the dining room.The table was almost full with so many varieties. "Awe...I can't waste any second just
Starting at the food"with that Clara started digging into the food.

              Olivia served for us and we started eating. it's sooo delicious, I suddenly remembered my Mom. She was a wonderful chef. I haven't tasted such delicious food in a long time. Even though the food at White's is quite tasty, it doesn't match up with this.

             "Thank you Olivia it's extremely enjoyable food" I told her without halting my feast.

              "Haha, stop praising me Venus,some of them were prepared by Watson."she looked at him and they exchanged a smile with love.

                 After lunch we helped Olivia in cleaning."We will be in my room mom"Clara informed her mother.

               "Okay,hun if you need anything just call me. Uncle Joseph is coming here, we'll be having a small business discussion"Clara cut her off "Wow! It's so long that I have met uncle Joseph"she squealed in excitement.

               I look at her in confusion. She noticed that and said "Uncle Joseph is our family friend,well wisher. Ha and he is super close to White's Family.They treat him like their son.He is such a good human being."

                "Oh ,then how come I didn't see him in the White's Manson atleast for once."As I was thinking Clara cut me off and said "He is too busy with handling White's businesses,there is no one to look into the business after them.I heard from my parents that they are searching for their daughter and it's a long story, I'll tell you later."with that she dragged me to her room.

                  She sat on her bed and I took the chair beside her bed.Now I need to narrate my story. I just don't know where to start. She waited for me to open up on myself.

                   "It's a weekend, sunday to be exactly. I was enjoying the day with my parents so much that I couldn't even guess what has been waiting for us that night. I know unexpected things happen in everyone's life but I never thought one night would turn my life into a nightmare"tears are about to slip from my eye but I wiped them away cause I need to be strong.

                   "My parents went to a party that night, it's my exams time so I stayed at home.Before leaving to the party they asked me if I need anything from outside....I had never expected that those words will become our last conversation between us. It's getting late but they haven't come home yet. So I decided to make a call,while I was about to dail, my mobile started ringing."

                "It's from my dad's number but the person who is speaking is not my dad.After listening to what that person told I felt like my heart just stopped beating. Everything around me was so  dark, I started crying so much that I was unable to breathe even.For a second I hope that  it's all my dream but we can't escape from the reality."

                 "My parents were spot dead in a car accident...No it's not true they're not...They won't leave me like that all alone...."I was screaming until I found Clara hugged me from my side.

                  I looked at Clara,her eyes were swollen." Sorry Clara I made you to cry" she cut me off "Don't be sorry Venus, let me share your pain".

                  "What happened next? How did you end up with Whites? How did you got those scars? " She asked me with concern.

                   I hold her hand tightly, I was unable to frame a sentence even.She understood my state and got me some water. I drank the whole glass and thanked her.

                 "I'm searching for my car keys and I was in a hurry because of the news, But my brain stopped working. I was unable to find them and I decided to run to the place where accident was happened but I stopped when I Heard our calling bell rings."

                  " First I didn't dare to open the door, lot of thoughts were travelling in my mind.It may be my parents dead bodies.....No it can't be they are not dead...I can't see them like that....But they started to knock the door loudly. I got frightened and ran into my room and locked the door and hide under the bed."

               Then we heard someone knocking and I shrieked. Clara got to the door and it is her Mom. She told we are watching some horror movies and we freaked out listening to a sudden sound. She laughed and gave some snacks and left us.

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