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I stared at him disbelievingly as to Why Zandar calls me princess, it doesn't mean I don't like it, but he's embarrassing me in front of everyone. Oh My God every one is giving us weird looks. I need to change the topic before everyone starts shooting questions. "Don't you guys have girlfriends?" I asked them.

          "Except Zan we don't have any " Blake said and smirked. I blinked at him opening my mouth and closing it not knowing what to say. Finally managed an "oh", and tried to give a small smile awkwardly. That's when I noticed the 3 idiots trying to control their laugh, Zandar looking at them like a predator and Clara, in search of something to break their heads. Thankfully those nut heads also realized the gravity of situation and sat with straight faces.

To cut the tension Clara suggested a house tour for me and Zandar volunteered given it is his place, making others agree to it, might I add with extra enthusiasm. I shook my head and followed him.

           We both walking in silence which I felt very awkward. I thought to cut the tension, "So where are your parents? why are we here rather than at the training place? Is this your home? It's beautiful...." My rambling has been stopped by Zandar placing his finger on my lips. I stood frozen and he seems to realize our position and removed his finger.

He, then started answering, " It's not any home but just our guest house and we are here to chill and ofcourse to discuss about your training. But, for now let's just complete the tour and join them otherwise they will start teasing us you know".  I know it's true but I also noticed he skipped the parents part.

Then we resumed our touring and reached I presume his room. I am exploring his room and he is standing at the door leaning over the wall. He suddenly closed the door and started walking towards me. I just stood there blushing profoundly , "eh wha what are yo yo you doing?", I stuttered. He just stood right in front of me, as if studying me then gave me a stunning smile.

Even though he is smiling, I can see the grief and loneliness in his eyes. Unknowingly, I placed my palm over his heart and he closed his eyes. I know it's too intimate to touch like that but I don't mind right now, so I asked "What is going on here? Tell me". He placed his hands over mine and smiled. That's the moment my trans has been broken and about take my hand off, he didn't let me.

"You Venus, are someone who intrigues me and confuse me to no end. Don't know why I feel like I can share all my secrets and sorrows with you. I can trust you just as I can with those idiots outside". My heart swell with happiness and hugged him. His body stiffened first then relaxed and hugged me tightly. I know it's just a simple hug but it didn't feel like simple. I felt some kind of reassurance and belonging in it. I felt being protected. Strange I know but true.

We retreat from the hug and sat on his bed and strangely I didn't feel awkward or uncomfortable being in this place and sitting on his bed. It felt natural, as if I belong to them, I belong by his side. He drawn a long breath as if he is tensed, as if struggling to let out something he is uncomfortable with. I held his hand and give a small smile as to encourage him.

As he told me about his family, his lonely life, his relation with the gang, his interest in boxing, I am just surprised and stunned but also happy as he got such amazing friends. When he told about Jake to say I am shocked is an understatement. Then again who am I to be surprised at their secrets when I have my own skeletons in my closet....

I feel obligated to tell him about myself but he cut me by apologizing as he already knew everything I told to Clara. I felt uneasy but then again I understand their bond and they never be secretive to each other. "Actually whatever I told Clara is only half of what has happened, there is more to it. It's just I am..", I halted abruptly as he again placed his finger on my lips. "I have been observing and studying you from the day you joined the college, so I understand there is more to your story and you are not comfortable sharing it with anyone. It's ok. No one will question or pressurize you. Tell us when you feel like you can".

I am happy, immensely, to get them in my life. I hugged him tightly thanking him and kissed his cheek without realizing. But he didn't pull away and instead kissed my forehead smiling.


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