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Jake's P.O.V:

I don't think anyone can aim a gun at their own father without a shake in hand or regret in mind but me. Thank god my friends are here to help me and thank god they didn't see me as some monster for doing the things I was compelled to do. I just don't want to be a criminal like my father so I hit him on his head with a gun. He lost his consciousness. We searched for my mom and thank goodness she is safe in a room. Venus is still unconscious. So we dicided to take my parents and Venus to Zandar's guest house.

We tied my father to a chair in the basement of the house. I asked my mom to take some rest. Zan asked his aunt to look after my mom until we return. From there we travelled to White's mansion. Zan carried Venus into her room.

"What happened to her?" Amanda asked us. "Nothing to worry Mrs.White, I'll explain everything to you people."

Everyone us there in the room but Clara. I want her to be here. "Looking for Clara?" Zan asked me. I just nodded. "Hey!! is everyone fine?" it's Clara's voice, I turned my head and rushed towards her and hugged her tightly. She just pushed me away and went towards her friends.

"Can someone to care to explain what's happening here?" George asked us with a stern voice. " Jake!!!! Are you alright? Joseph left the meeting and said that you met with an accident and you're hospitalised."

I fell down on my knees and told them everything from how my father took hostage of my mom and blackmailed me into breaking my friendship and turning into someone I will never want to be and hurt everyone who cared about me a lot and finally kidnapped Venus to save my mother. "I know what I did was not something to be easily forgiven and forgotten but please believe me If I had a choice I would have never done these things. I never thought of leaving Venus with him. I would have save her with my life because she was ready to help me even when she knew no one of you trust me. I'm truly sorry, please try to forgive me If you can. That's all I want", I'm full on crying without even realising.

             "Stop crying . You look like an old woman while crying ", came from the one I least imagined. Zandar gave his hand to help me up and hugged me saying it's okay then We're huddled by the 3 idiots. When I composed and break the hug I walked near to Clara and kneeled in front of her. I couldn't even look into her eyes so lowered my head and  apologised, " I'm sorry Clara I caused you a lot of pain but trust me every time I hurt you I cried. Every time I see tears in your eyes I wanted to kill my father and myself. I know I don't deserve you anymore but please, If you find it in your heart please forgive me. I would never show you my face and go far away....", I'm interrupted by a slap on my face a kiss on my lips and a tight hug immediately. We break the hug by the sound of clearing throats with tomato red faces.

Amanda suddenly asked, " I don't understand why would Joseph do that and how did he know about Venus?", breaking the silence with an equally confused George.

"Once I overheard his conversation, he is talking to someone on the phone about Venus and he also said why he killed her parents. For the sake of becoming rich and popular he killed her parents. When I was about to call the police he caught me and blackmailed me of killing my mom. I already know that he's not a good person but I thought he was atleast good to my mom but I was so wrong. He is neither good to others nor to his own family.

Then he made a deal with me that if I give him Venus he'll let my mom free and the rest you know.

"Then we have to find who her parents are first".

"I tried for the Clues Zan, but of no use. Even if we threaten to kill him I don't think my dad will say anything. He will dye but will not open his mouth".

"Venus never mentioned her last name if we ask her then we can find them probably", we turned to look at Blake. For once he talked something sensible and useful. Clara is unusually quite while we're all raking our brains which is not her.

     Clara then turned to me and, " He might have blackmailed you Jake and that is it he did with you but her suffering is way worse. She still has some scars of his cruelty on her body. The fear I have seen in her eyes is haunting Jake. She can't even remember the beautiful memories of her house without any nightmares. She don't deserve it", said while wiping her tears.

       " Hales" we all turned our heads and see Venus standing at the corner.


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