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Zandar's pov:

Jeo: I guess someone got a crush.          
        on new girl.

Blake: It's crystal clear dude.                        someone is staring at her 
            like she will disappear any 

Clara:What! Can you guys tell me
           about whom you are talking.

Charlie:oh Clara you'll get to know
              once that person admits it.

                "Guys that's enough, I am just intrigued by her personality. I don't know, there is something about that girl which is pulling me to her. It's..... It's nothing that I can explain to you idiots, so continue with your lunch and leave my interests to me".
            They rolled their eyes started digging their food but Clara didn't.

           "Why are you staring at me like that Clara,is there anything on my face?" She just laughed and ask "who is that lucky girl Zandy".

            All the boys exchanged a evil smirk. I rolled my eyes and said "these idiots think I have a crush on Venus, your new friend." "So, the girl who is intriguing you is Venus? That's really interesting." "Clara, please you don't start now." She just laughed and decided to leave it.

             Then came the much awaited free hour and Clara is not with us now. May be she is with her new friend. We are roaming around the grounds and heard some argument. Then we saw Clara is being dragged by Jake's gang but he is nowhere to be seen.

                We stopped them and thus started a fight. Meanwhile Clara ran towards bleachers. There we saw Jake and he cornered Venus. She tried to get away but failed and fall on the ground.Clara helped her and we rushed to Jake and gave him his treat.

                I hope Clara and Venus didn't get any injuries, but they are taking very long in the restroom. We can't go inside, so we stood there and waited for them.

                After a long time they came out and Clara is fine but Venus.... Meanwhile these 3 idiots thought it is the best time to interrogate her. After observing her I was about to ask her if she is ok, but I stopped myself. She just gave a smile and went away.

                I swear if she got hurt by jake I'll shred him into pieces so I asked Clara "what took you so long, did he hurt you guys?" She didn't say anything for a moment but said they are fine now.

                    I have managed to slip into my room without being noticed, or so I thought until I heard someone's loud gasp. It's our cook, Rose, and she is frozen.
                    Oh no!!!! I have some bruises on my face. She rushed to me and started shooting questions at me. I know she is concerned about me but I am not in a mood to acknowledge right now and she understand it well. She stopped with her questionnaire and asked me to take some rest. I know she won't say a word to my parents because she loves me more than they ever did and she knows I am not some irresponsible, rich spoiled brat.

                I sauntered to my room and took a hot water shower. I came out and put on boxers , in no time I'm in a deep slumber.

                It's Saturday, late in the morning and those 3 idiots won't be up later this evening and Clara will be at her dance class so I don't have anything to do now so I went for a casual walk.There I saw Venus and started following her. I know it sounds creepy but I can't help it. This girl has something in her which draws me whenever I see her. She is just walking around and sometimes going in and out of cafés and shops. So I thought she must be searching for part-time job.

          As she is about to walk through an ally, she suddenly looked back. I hide behind a wall and watched her started running. God!!!! She must be panicked. I started running to catch up with her but damn she is fast, maybe because of her panic state.
              I shouted her name and ask her stop but she didn't listen only thing she is doing is running as if someone is going to kill her. I think I'm frightening her and I don't know why she is feeling like that so I slow down a little and hide behind a building wall. She turned around and noticed that no one is chasing her and she sigh in a relief and sat on a bench.

                 I can see her eyes were filled with tears. Stupid me I made her to cry like that but she didn't even see me. She is sitting there and crying all alone. I can't see her like that and I can't help her even so I decided to call Clara.

                 I told Clara everything and shared my location. She came within 10min. Seeing Clara she hugged her tightly I felt a relief in my heart. I have some doubts before but now I am sure, she is not what she shows and I am determined now I have to know everything about her. I will be there for her no matter whatever her problem is.

~~~~~End of Zandar's pov~~~~~


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