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Clara's pov:

Flash back

Like every evening we are having a group chat. Suddenly Jake left the group, just like that. I tried to make a call but he rejected it. So we have decided to ask him in the college.

The following day he is no where in college so we went to his house. Uncle Joseph opened the door, and asked us what we want to ask him "What happened to Jake? It's just that he has been acting weird all of a sudden. We don't know the reason, so we are here to talk to him." As I am done with my rant he shook his head and told us Jake has been like that with him too and he had no idea why. Also he is staying out of the house most of the time. We bid him goodbye after being informed that Jake is not at home.

From that day he didn't make any effort to talk to us and he used to find a reason to fight with us. He formed a group against us and whenever he get a chance he used to behave rude with us. So we left him after so many trails and now he is behaving like our enemy.


(Present: Venus first day)

Today at locker he cornered me but Zandar came to scene and gave him what he deserves.After that incident we went to our class. There is a new girl in our class and she sat beside me. She's looking so frightened.

Don't know why but I want to be her friend. She is not like most of our college girls who thinks that they were born only to impress my friends. Most importantly her eyes, they held so much of innocence. Not just be my friend, I want her to join my other friends as well.

I wouldn't have brought Venus to the ground if I had known that Jake will meddle with me again and Venus had to take it from him for being with me. I have understood that she is a broken girl and is anxious to meet with lot of people, but after today's episode with Jake I got to know she was physically harassed. I couldn't get the reason from her that doesn't mean I Will leave it as well. I just need her to trust me and talk to me about it.

I was surprised when I got a desperate call from Zandar requesting me to pick up Venus while returning from my dance class. I was shocked seeing Venus in such state, it's heart wrenching.

I am once again surprised knowing she lives with Whites. I know I cannot get anything from her staying here so I took her to my home seeking Amanda's permission. I know I sound creepy but I am curious and after getting that call for help from Zan I am determined to know her. After all I cannot help Zan if I don't know anything about his future potential girlfriend now can I????  Yeah doesn't sound creepy at all.

I am amazed at how strong this girl is. I mean, she faced hell on earth still standing like a rock facing the wrath of roaring Sea. Now I am determined that I will stand by her and I will make sure she gets protection of my friends as well. I suggested her to take some sort of self defense classes so she will not be helpless when situation arise.

I know she will feel uncomfortable if I tell her about Zan teaching her how to fight. So, when Zan called me to pick him up next day, I was excited cause I planned on taking Venus with me. It will be perfect to get them introduced for Venus to ease up to Zan.

I know my plan is perfect when Venus asked about Zan there and all the staring and smiles they shared showed us this is the beginning of some romantic journey. At least I hope so.

After we dropped Venus, Zan sat silently, smiling to himself. I am relieved that he will be there for Venus to hold her, maybe all her life. Too far I know but can't help those vibes I'm getting from those two. I told everything that I know about Venus to my friends that night. I know it's not ethical to disclose one's information but she need help so I thought of sharing with my gang, afer all they are the people I can trust just as I trust my family.

           Amidst of all this there is one person I miss terribly, about whom I think every night after the conference call with my gang. "I miss you so much Jake" which I mumble every night before going to sleep. Not only old habits but old feelings die hard too....


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