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It's Monday. I'm refreshed and ready to face my life with new hope. Clara told me that she'll drive me to college so I'm waiting for her.

she is here in her blue BMW. Along with her, another person got down from the car. I remembered he is one of Clara's best friends. "Hi,Venus meet my friend Zandar and Zandy she is Venus, ofcourse this introduction is just for a formality. Zandar already know your name" She laughed at Zandar

I just stood there awkwardly. Zandar broke the silence and said "Hi Venus,nice to meet you"with a smile.

We hopped in the car. "Zandar nice name",I thought I said it to myself but they both turn back and smiled at me and Zandar said "Thank you Venus" with a large smile showing his dimples. My cheeks turned red out of embarrassment and they laughed at my expense.

Until we go to college I didn't speak a single word. Clara parked her car in the parking area. "Oh! Here comes the 3 idiots" Zandar said. I gave them a smile and told Clara that I will meet her at class before walking away.

I sat in my English class,5 more minutes are there so no one came yet. I took out my mobile and started searching for a job.Now everyone is entering into the class and Clara also came along with her gang. Clara came and sat beside me. Her friends smiled at me and went to their usual seats.

Finally it's lunch time and as usual I sat alone at a corner table. I thought to search for a job while eating and didn't notice someone approaching my table. I am confused looking at Clara at my table because she usually sits with her friends and asked her the same.

"Why? Don't you want me to sit with you? I thought I am your friend...." She asked pouting. I just gave a sheepish smile and said sorry. She just laughed it off. After pondering over my thoughts I finally decided to request her help.

"Clara, I have decided that I need to learn some form of self defense but don't know what to learn and where". She sat silent for a second and smiled like a kid with a candyfloss. "Oh wow that's nice. I know someone who can help you and yeah.. what about boxing? That would be nice.. don't you think?" Okay.... Now she is creeping me out. She then realized her creepy rambling and smiled sheepishly.

"Ok Clara, if you are sure about that trainer I trust you and ummm... Can you take me to that place? I don't know much about this area, so if you don't mind...." Now I have started rambling. She cut me and said " ofcourse girl! You don't have to plead me so much. I will take you today evening if that's ok for you."

So here I am, in Clara's car going to meet the trainer after informing Amanda that I am going out with Clara.We reached there after a long drive.I thought this place would be like some training institute but it's looking like a secret hide-out.

I got frightened by looking at the surroundings, it brought some bitter memories back. As I was shivering out of fear, Clara noticed my state and rushed towards me and held my hand.

"I'm here with you Venus and I know this place is creepy but trust me you are in a safe place. I come here a lot so no need to panic"she assured me with a genuine smile.

With that we went inside. This place was not that bad, I saw three of Clara's friends there and there is no sign of Zandar. One of those three is in the ring fighting with a guy wearing a Balaclava. He is not exactly fighting but defending himself and by looking at it I can say he is a professional.

They noticed us and came towards us. "I don't think we have been introduced before" one of them said. "Oh I know you three guys. You are those 3 idiots Zandar mentioned this morning" I said. Clara and the masked guy started laughing and those 3 looked like someone kicked their puppies.

"This is all your fault. You always make us look like jokers Zan" they complained pouting like kids. "Zan, means Zander? But where is he?" I thought. They all looked at me and I realized I have said that aloud. God! It's second time I am blushing today and this is all because of that guy. Again they have a good laugh at my expense.

"Zan, I think someone wants to see you. Take off your balcalava now" said Clara. I looked astonished while he showed his face and smirked at me while I looked at him astonished thinking he is going to be the trainer. Ohho this training is going to be very tough.


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